Chapter 34

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Forgive my grammar mistakes

Thank you for your help for this chapter LadyAphrael 😘

A/n: I've written the first half of the chapter a bit differently. Other part is crap though. Read carefully.

Kevin's POV

Love, crush, infatuation, relationship, lover and so on.... all these words were alien to me until the day I met a dimpled guy.

You see, I am what they call a genius. I have already completed my master's degree and am now doing research work at the age of twenty-two only.

I have never paid attention to the things called emotions. I was sure that I cannot love anyone else besides my family. They are the only one in my life whom I have loved and cared for all my life. People outside my family never really mattered to me, that's also the reason why I don't have any what they called a close friend or best friend. For me it was either studies or work and of course my family, nothing else.

I prefer to do something good for the sake of humanity rather than wasting my time in things called love, because I never believed in one. Witnessing Ray when Alex left him made my will strong to stay away from it cause this thing is able to hurt someone so deep. I am not as strong as Ray is, I won't be able to handle the hurt like he did.

Ray always used to tease me that I will die a virgin and will end up marrying my work. "You should start getting socialize Key, you are eighteen already." That's what he said when I turned eighteen but of course I neglected it.

I was not the kind of person who would hang out and get drunk with friends, which I have none. Going to a bar and meeting people was a total waste of time for me. I can do something productive during that time instead of meeting with strangers.

"You are twenty one already, at least kiss someone. You wouldn't know how it feels unless you experience it." Ray said to me on my twenty first birthday. In return I gave him a smile.

"I have to move to that asshole's place and you are coming with me. I won't take no as an answer." It was the time when Ray got the job as a housemaid for Sky and he literally threatened me to accompany him, if not then he told me that I can forget that I have a brother.

Little did we both know that working for Sky could be a life changing step in both of our lives.

I don't know what attracted me when I first laid eyes on him, but I couldn't stop thinking about him after I dropped Ray and went to my work.

Maybe it was his height or his smile or his dimple or I don't know...  his eyes. As I started spending more time with him  , I started realizing that the thing I was feeling for him is more than just a friendship.

My heart always skips a beat whenever he laughs. I just couldn't take my eyes from him whenever he was around.

Was it love? Or merely an attraction?

The day when he came home with red puffy eyes because the guy he liked was with someone else now. That day my heart ached seeing him like that. I couldn't bear to see even a signal tear in his eyes. That's the day I realised that I was indeed in love with this dimpled guy.

I didn't want to force myself on him. I was giving him space so that he can move on from his crush/love, I don't know what it was.

"I like you more than just a friend." I confessed to him one day. He was shocked at first but he said he will give me a  chance.

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