Chapter 17

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Forgive my grammar mistakes

Ray's POV

"Kevin, mom, dad ... I am home!!!" I announced my arrival as soon as I reached home.

Kevin came out of his room and sprinted towards me. I knew he would jump on me and hug me, which is not good for the condition I am in.

I extended my hand in front of me and showed him my palm, signaling him to stop.

He halted his steps and gave me a confused look. I have never stopped him from hugging me like this.

"I... I have .. umm ... yeah... I have back pain." I reasoned him.

"Ohh.. okay. No problem, but I am so happy to see you Ray!!!! I missed you so much." He said hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too my baby bro." I hugged him back.

"Oh my God Ray, such a pleasant surprise!!!!" Mom came running to me and engulfed me in a  hug.

"Good to see you son, we really missed you." Dad conveyed his love to me and gave me a gentle hug.

"I missed you too guys. We haven't spent quality time together ever since I started working for Sky. So I thought why not do it today." I said with a smile on my face.

"Why are we all standing here, let's go inside. Lunch is almost ready Ray, I don't know why but I was feeling like cooking your favorites and here you are now." Mom said while caressing my face gently.

"It's mother's heart and it knows everything somehow." I said while pecking her forehead.

"You know what else Ray?" Kevin asked me while observing me from head to toe.

"What?" I said.

"You are looking much healthier than before, even you have a glow on your face."

Nothing can skip from his eyes. I hope he won't notice anything else yet.

"Err... just... we... I mean .. I am hungry, let's eat."  I said skipping the topic before things could go ahead.


We all were done with our lunch and were now hanging in the living room. Keith also came back after his meeting with Sky, he was looking a bit sad. I wonder why?

"Now I can also see it. Ray is indeed looking healthier and is literally glowing." Mom said looking at me with awe.

"I remember this look though. When your mom was pregnant with Kevin,  at that time she had this exact glow on her face. But you are a man, there's no way the same thing is happening with you, right?" Dad said laughing a bit.

If only he knew. But he should know, like right now.

"Ummm ... everyone ... there's something I have to tell you. I ... I should have told you this a long time ago, but I was not sure how you guys will take it. So, here I am." I said fidgeting with the hem of my t-shirt.

"What is it Ray?" Mom said with a worried tone.

I slowly lifted my t-shirt up and revealed my swollen belly.

"I knew you were healthier Ray, but I had no idea that you have grown fat too." Kevin said in a mocking tone.

"It's not fat...Shit... How should I... Umm... guys ... promise me you won't stop loving me... after ... after... " I was getting really nervous and my breathing was getting heavier, just thinking about the fact that they might abandon me after knowing the truth about me.

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