Chapter 30

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Forgive my grammar mistakes.

Ray's POV

It turns out going through C-section is more painful than delivering the baby normally. I mean during normal delivery a person has to bear the pain until the baby is delivered and the pain might last for a day or two. But in C-section I have to endure the pain for at least six weeks or maybe more, depends upon person to person.

It's obvious to feel the pain when some part of your body is torn open and stitched back together, so here I am lying down on bed and enduring the pain.

Mrs. Allen has advised me to follow few precautions until my belly is fully healed.

The precautions were

1) I cannot climb stairs for at least two weeks.

2) No heavy lifting until I am fully healed.

3} Less walking for a few days, so that I might not end up opening up stitches.

4) Less physical moments.

5) I have to eat only boiled food for a few days, no spicy or oily food.

And there were few more which I left up to Sky and others and remember.

I was laying on the hospital bed looking at the small sleeping figure next to me. Somehow looking at him made me forget the pain and I can only feel happiness.

I looked at my left hand which ha a new addition to it, a ring which Sky gave me when he proposed to me for the  marriage. I chuckle a bit thinking about the time when I made him almost faint when I said I will marry him , but....


"But what Ray?" He said, looking so pale that his soul has left his body.

"But I want you to be sure about this Sky. I don't want you to marry me out of responsibility. I know you are very happy at the moment and someone once told me , not to make decisions when you're extremely happy or angry, decisions like this end up hurting us one way or another...

... I want you to be fully sure that you really want to spend the whole with me and will not regret this decision Sky. I know you love us more than anything and we love you too, but I just want you to be sure." I explained my reason to him.

He smiled in relief and kissed me. "You scared the hell out of me for a moment. And trust me Ray, I am not asking to marry you due to spur of the moment, I have been thinking about this for a while now and I couldn't find the perfect time to ask you to marry me."

"Are you sure about this Sky?" I asked again.

"I have never been so sure in my life Ray. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I couldn't think even a second without you in my life. So, will you marry me?" He asked again while putting the ring in front of me.

"Of course yes Sky, I'll marry you." I said with tears of happiness and hugged him. He put the ring in my finger and sealed the deal with a deep and passionate kiss.

Flashback ends

"A little birdie told me something." Kevin said in a teasing tone. Sky was currently at home to bring a few things for me and freshen himself up. Alex and Ryder went to work after visiting me and Keith went to meet another music director.

"I know you were smart but I didn't know you could talk to birds too." I teased back.

"Stop being a smart mouth and show me." He said motioning at my left hand which was hidden beneath the baby since I was holding him.

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