Hospital Visitors

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"Same old song

Just a drop of water in an endless sea

All we do

Crumbles to the ground, though we refuse to see"

I forced my eyes open as the song playing quietly on the radio seeped into my subconscious. The voices and sounds were distorted, muffled by the ringing in my ears.

"Dust in the wind

All we are is dust in the wind"

My surroundings came into focus slowly and painfully. The first thing I saw was someone's body lying face-foreword on the hood of the truck; the legs on the front seat inside the car. My heart plummeted when I recognized the reddish-brown hair blowing around the face.

"Rayne," I gasped, partly from the aching in my ribs, partly from the shock. "Rayne!" She didn't even move or make a sound when I shook her leg. My eyes suddenly widened as the memories came flooding back. "Dean!"

I twisted around in my seat as far as I could. My brother's head was leaning against the broken window, blood dripping down from a deep gash on his forehead. I swallowed hard, trying to stay awake.

"Oh, God. Oh, God, no." I continued to mumble incoherently, looking between the two people whom I loved most, and who were also both either dead or close to it.

"Now don't hang on

Nothin' lasts forever but the earth and sky

It slips away

And all your money won't another minute buy"

I heard the driver of the truck that hit us hop down from his seat and slam the door shut. I willed my head to turn, and that's when I was faced with two shiny black eyes. With one swift move, the demon ripped the door off our truck and flung it behind him where it landed with a screech of metal on the asphalt.

Scrambling for the Colt that was in the inside jacket of my pocket, I whipped it out and pointed it in the face of the demon-possessed truck driver.

"Back! Or I'll kill you, I swear to God."

He sneered. "You won't. You're saving that bullet for someone else."

He was right. Since having located the weapon with Dean and our dad, we'd found ourselves in several situations where we needed to use it. There was only one bullet left in the cartridge — the one meant for Yellow-Eyes.

However, in that instant, none of it mattered. I would protect my family no matter the cost. My eyes hardened and I glared at him. "You wanna bet?"

The demon smiled and my vision began to blur again. I willed myself to hold on until he backed down. Time seemed to stretch out although it couldn't have been more than thirty seconds since I'd woken up.

I cocked the gun.

"Put it down, Sam."

The new feminine voice, adorned with an English accent, came out of nowhere. It was so soft, so melodic, that for a moment I thought I must have imagined it.

The demon spun around in shock as a pale hand shot out and grabbed the side of his face. His body jolted as if hit with an electric current. He looked upward and blinding white light burst forth from his eyes and mouth.

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