Freaky Friday'd

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My eyes flew open way too early as usual. I lay still for a few minutes, trying to slow my breathing down.

It had been months, and I still couldn't shake the image from my mind of Jess, burning on the ceiling, her features contorted with terror. Every morning I had to remind myself that her blood wasn't dripping onto my face and that she wasn't dying all over again.

I was ashamed to admit that it had become almost exhausting to miss her. Maybe if I stopped missing her, the nightmares would stop as well.

Sighing, I dragged myself to the bathroom to take a shower. It had become routine: wake up from watching a screaming Jess, take a shower, and bolt from whatever motel room we were staying at that time to escape staring at the glaringly empty ceiling.

When I walked out out of the bathroom, I immediately checked the clock. It had become quite entertaining, a small gleam of light amidst my dreary mornings, to watch Rayne wake up to the minute every single day. I sat at the table and started tying up my boots. Dean stirred and exhaled softly.


My brother was in an unusually contained sleeping position. I frowned; normally one or more of his limbs stuck out at random angles. I looked at Rayne next to him. She was sprawled out on her stomach with her mouth slightly open and a leg hanging off the side of the mattress.

Yawning, Dean sat up and stretched his arms over his head. He smiled kindly at me when he noticed me at the table. My mouth nearly unhinged as I watched him sashay into the bathroom. I stared at the door as it closed behind him.


An uncharacteristically high-pitched scream erupted from inside and Dean came running out, a horrified expression on his face.

Rayne snorted, waking up from the noise, and raised herself from the bed, looking disoriented. Her eyes landed on Dean and after a slight delay, grew several sizes. "What the hell?" she bellowed, scrambling backwards on the bed and dragging the sheets with her.

Shaking myself from my stupor, I stood up slowly; lifting my hands in front of me, palms out, the way people do when they want to seem less provoking. "Okay," I said quietly. "It's okay." Two sets of bewildered eyes snapped to look at me. "I think you just became a part of the case."

"Are you kidding me?!" Rayne groaned loudly. "You're telling me we just got Freaky Friday'd?"


Dean was leaning against the bathroom door, looking pale.

Rayne was pacing in front of the television set nervously.

I nearly got a headache trying to constantly remind myself that Rayne was trapped inside of Dean's body and that Dean was trapped inside of Rayne's. I mentally had to keep flipping whatever they said to match it to the right person.

"How did this happen?" Rayne demanded for the upmpteenth time.

Dean moaned in response, clutching his stomach and looking down at his body. "This is too bizarre. I think I'm getting altitude sickness."

"Oh, shut it," she snarled, glaring up at him on her tenth or so pass. "I think I just sprained my neck from having to look up at everything."

Dean stuck his tongue out at her, and I burst out laughing at the sight. They both turned to scowl at me. "Don't worry," I tried assuring them. "We will fix this."

"Well, let's hurry," Dean whined, shifting on his heels. "My large feet are making it difficult to walk in a straight line."

"Oh yeah?" Rayne stormed up to him and raised her palms in front of his face. "Well I'm afraid I'm going to slip through the cracks of the damn earth with these tiny hands," she shouted at him, waving them around to state her point. "Whose hands are this tiny?"

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