Games and Pool Bets

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I woke up at seven that morning to find Sam already dressed and getting ready to head upstairs. The guest bedroom in Luna's house was in the basement, and it had a queen sized bed and a pull out couch. Both were in much better condition than anything that a motel room had to offer.

Having lost at rock-paper-scissors the previous night, I slept on the couch. I got up and headed straight for the bathroom, knowing that Sam would not be able to resist, and that my bed would be made up upon my return.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, I brushed my teeth and thought of ways I could smooth things over with Rayne. I didn't even know what exactly happened. One minute, I was captivated by her sweet singing voice and the next, she was rushing to get away from me. I couldn't tell if she was mad at me or not. Sam did always say I was rather oblivious, however.

Think, Winchester.

I mentally recalled every detail I could about the previous night. She agreed to sing for me, choosing REO Speedwagon's 'Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore'. I remembered thinking that the lyrics perfectly captured what I was thinking at the moment and wondering if she chose that particular song for a reason. She was nervous, practically having to force herself to look at me. There was longing in her eyes as well as hesitation.

I'd been prepared to give it all up right there and then. The words were on the tip of my tongue; my hands began to reach for her. But then, the hesitation in her eyes won over and she shut down on me. I couldn't figure out why everything I did spooked her. Shy or nervous girls had never been an issue for me before, not really. I was always able to easily break through their defenses. However, Rayne was like an impenetrable and insurmountable wall; I could only catch glimpses of what was on the other side before she'd kick me out again.

For the first time in probably...ever, I was at a complete loss when it came to a girl — and I was surprised at just how determined I was to find a way. I wanted Rayne. And I needed her to want me too. I spit into the sink and wiped my mouth of the remaining toothpaste.

Luna greeted us upstairs with coffee and oatmeal. She laughed at me as I suspiciously eyed the grey gruel inside the bowl. "I thought it was best for me not to contribute any more to your cholesterol boys," she explained. "At least not this morning."

Sam, on the other hand, appeared to be tickled pink by his breakfast, the health nut that he was. "It's good for you, Dean."

"Bacon and eggs are good for me." I glared at him. "Not food."

"Oh, honey," Luna piped in, "give it a chance." Coming to stand behind me at the table she reached over my shoulder and started sprinkling the oatmeal with some kind of sugar-cinnamon mixture and putting pecan nuts and fresh blueberries on top. "There, try that," she encouraged.

Grudgingly, I dug my spoon in and stuffed it in my mouth, chewing the sticky slop for a second before forcing it down my throat. "That's disgusting," I choked out.

"Good," Luna said chirpily as she patted my back. "I expect you to finish the whole thing."

Sam was laughing at me, and I swiftly kicked him under the table. I made a face at Luna once she had her back to us but did as she asked. There was just something about Rayne's mom that prevented me from arguing with her. If Rayne was good at debating, I had a sense that Luna was the original master. "So where is Rayne?" I asked as I swallowed another spoon of cruelty. "She's usually the first one up."

"Oh, she was up a while ago," she said as she topped up our coffees. "She went down to Roger's garage to check on her car."

The oatmeal got stuck in my throat, and I had to take a swig of coffee to dislodge it. "She's where?"

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