Cherry Pie

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As one of my all-time favorite jam out songs came on the radio, I turned up the volume. I wasn't a wannabe hipster; I genuinely loved classic rock. That's all my dad would listen to when I was growing up, and much to his delight it eventually rubbed off on me as well.

In this particular case it was 'Cherry Pie' by Warrant. I eased off the gas pedal of my bright red 1954 Chevrolet Corvette at the stoplight and cranked the volume even louder as the chorus came on, belting it out without reservation.

"She's my cherry pie

Cool drink of water

Such a sweet surprise

Tastes so good

Make a grown man cry

Sweet cherry pie oh yea"

To my right, I felt eyes on me and turned to see two guys staring at me from the front seat of their car. Normally I would have glanced away shyly and prayed for the traffic light to turn green, but like I said; rock music had a certain effect on me. Lifting my sunglasses to the top of my head, I grinned at the man driving as I continued to sing.

"She's my cherry pie

Put a smile on your face

Ten miles wide

Looks so good

Bring a tear to your eye

Sweet cherry pie"

The man in the passenger seat was now laughing at the driver, who was gawking at me in wonder, with his mouth hanging slightly open. Feeling a bit daring, I sent him a wink and turned back to the road just as the light turned green. I pressed on the gas and sped off, leaving the 1967 black Chevy Impala to nearly block the intersection.


" I dead?" I slapped Sam on the chest trying to get his attention as I stared after the red Chevy Corvette. 

"Uh, Dean? The light is green. You might want to move before someone rams into your precious car," Sam responded, ignoring me drooling all over myself. Literally, I hadn't swallowed since that vision in red pulled up next to me.

Snapping to attention I noticed that indeed the light was now green, and I quickly gassed it. "Did you see her? Was she for real?" I asked, beginning to ramble on in my excitement. "I swear I could have mistaken her for a ghost that lured men to their deaths with those cherry red lips, and green eyes and that hair...Oh man, did you see the hair?"

Sam chuckled. "You never know. Maybe this is some monster screwing with your head."

Horrified, I glared at him. That wasn't a joking matter. "Dude...not cool."

"Man, relax. You'll probably never see her again."

"I'll post an ad," I said, ignoring him, lifting my hands from the wheel for a moment to spread out an imaginary banner. "It'll read: "Looking for my Cherry Pie"". I grinned and slapped his chest again. "That's good, eh?"

Sam smacked my hand away and rolled his eyes. "Stop slapping me."

"And you stop rolling your eyes at me, Sammy; we don't want them to fall out." Sam responded with another exaggerated eye roll and then focused his attention back to the newspaper in his lap. "So, anything?" I asked. 

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