This Is The Beginning

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It only lasted for a brief few seconds, but I hadn't been able to get the image out of my head since. White. Everything was so white. Except for John, who was looking at me with pitch black eyes.

"Was it a vision of the future or did it already happen?" Dean asked as we sped along the faded asphalt away from my hometown.

"I don't know," I replied for what seemed like the billionth time. They were three little words that I was really starting to come to hate. "This has never happened to me before."

"And you're sure that it was my dad?"

"Yes, Dean." I shot him a sideways semi-glare. "I think I know what your dad looks like."

"Hey — I'm just trying to figure this out. No need to get snappy with me."

"You have a vision of someone you know being possessed by a demon and then we'll see how pleasant you are to be around."

His profile softened — most likely after taking notice of the rising panic in my voice. "Look, this used to happen to Sam all the time. You'll be fine."

"That doesn't make me feel any better, Dean! He had those visions because of Azazel....because of Azazel's blood. That should have stopped when that demon died."

"Well, maybe this is 'cuz of Cas's grace?" he offered hopefully, yet not even sounding fully convinced himself.

"Don't you think this is something he would've given me a head's up on if it was because of him?"

"I wouldn't be so sure." Dean's expression soured. "He's never felt the need to keep us in the loop before."

Reluctantly, I had to agree with him on that. Neither Castiel nor Daniel (or even his sister for that matter) ever let me know what was going on or what alleged plan God had for me. For all I knew, this could have been Heaven's way of instant messaging me.

"And you don't think the Charlie's Angels will reply to your prayers?" Dean asked.

"What do you think I've been doing for the last twenty minutes? No, they haven't replied."

"Okay, then we'll just have to go find John like we'd decided."

Finding John had been my first instinct. Dean tried to convince me that it was nothing, but I couldn't let it go. It was like something was pulling me toward him. I wouldn't rest until I knew he was okay and that my vision was wrong. Dean's green eyes, hooded by lowered eyebrows, remained fixated on the road ahead of us. I sighed as the mass of fear deep within my gut decided to share its occupied space with the new, growing sense of guilt.

"I'm sorry," I said to Dean, trying to make my voice kinder. "I really don't like myself this way. I'm just..." I struggled for the right words, trying to figure out what precisely had me on edge about the whole thing. "I just thought that this freaky supernatural stuff was over. I thought I could finally move on with my least for a while. I'm just stressing out — I don't mean to take it out on you."

Dean looked over at me briefly before turning back to the road. Without a word, he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. The feel of his lips on the top of my head was more comforting than anything he could have said. Whatever was happening to me, at least I wasn't facing it alone.

Warrant's "Sometimes She Cries" began to play softly through the speakers while we drove on towards John's last known location. And that's how I fell asleep. That's how I hoped I would always get to fall asleep: with Dean's heartbeat close by and classic rock playing in the background.

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