Training Montage

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As I sat in the back seat of the Impala, I stared out the window at the passing scenery. It became harder and harder the further we drove away from my hometown. I regretted not talking to my mom for all of those months; I knew now how stupid it was in light of everything. I missed her already.

Dean gave me a sympathetic smile when I caught him looking at me through the rearview mirror. I hadn't told them yet about the whole angel thing — mainly because I wasn't sure what to make of it myself quite yet. I now had to live with the knowledge that I had some kind of weird heavenly goo inside of me that was supposed to change me...or trigger something in me. 

What if I ended up growing wings or randomly sprouted a halo?

And what did the angel mean when he said that I had the potential to become powerful? Powerful how? Like Bruce Almighty powerful or like Hulk powerful? Maybe I should have tried to lift Sam or convince Dean to let me drive Baby with my mind.

A scarier thought was lurking in the back of my head, however. What if I couldn't control these 'powers'? What if they could come out of nowh-

A cold shiver ran through my body as the hair on my arms stood up. My balance tilted and for a moment I thought I was going to be sick. Blinking several times, I thought how strange it was the my mind was strangely blank all of a sudden. I must have majorly zoned out.

I couldn't remember the last thing I was thinking about.

Perhaps I was still feeling the effects of my concussion. I considered weaseling out some more drugs from Dean later. To distract myself from the sudden odd sensation, I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the seat in front of me. "So how is this going to work?" I asked them.

Sam looked over his shoulder at me. "How is what going to work?"

"The whole, three amigos thing: out on the open road, looking for vengeance, killing ghosts and other things that shouldn't exit but do."

Dean's mouth quirked. "Nothing changes. We go find our dad the minute he pokes his head out, we stay on the lookout for any signs of Yellow-Eyes, and in the meantime...we hunt," he said, giving me a wicked grin through the rearview mirror.

"Okay," I agreed, liking the sound of that plan. It was simple, it was concrete, and it seemed more productive than serving beers at a bar. "So, where are we going now then?"

"We found a case last night after you went to bed," Sam explained. "We thought we would pick an easy one for your first time."

"Easy how?" I asked, suddenly skeptical.

"Vengeful spirit," Dean said. "Simple salt and burn."

"What are we salting and burning?" I snickered. "A piece of steak?"

"A piece of ghost," Dean said, clearly not amused by my joke.

"How exactly do we salt and burn it...isn't it a ghost?"

Dean sighed. "Sammy, it looks like we'll need to take a couple of days to train the rookie."

"I'm thinking the same thing."

"Ooh," I squealed. "Should I get out my Rocky soundtrack?"


A few hours later we were unloading our stuff in a motel room. It was an ugly little thing, with two queen-sized beds, a small television set, and a broken shower; all wrapped up in puke-green covers and suspiciously stained curtains.

"Ah, home sweet home," Dean announced as he walked into the room and dumped his duffel bag on the nearby bed.

"Lovely," I commented, making sure my tone of voice implied otherwise. I was silently observing the fact that there were only two beds and that I would have to share with one of the brothers, seeing as they were too gargantuan to share with each other. I was secretly hoping they would make that decision for me so I wouldn't have to.

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