Heavenly Intervention

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Dean was pacing the floor of the hospital room while I leaned heavily against the doorway of the bathroom; still weak from whatever it was that happened to me a few hours ago. The nausea also hadn't completely subsided yet. "So you feel completely better?" I asked again, studying him from my hunched position.

"Ray, you heard the doctor," Dean said, not pausing his agitated movements. "He said my heart's completely back to normal. As if nothing happened to it in the first place. He said it was a miracle."

Biting my bottom lip, I straightened and looked down at my feet. Dean suddenly stopped and took several long strides till he was standing right in front of me, his hands on my upper arms. I glanced up at him. "What?"

"Was it?" he asked. "A miracle?"

"I don't know, Dean," I told him truthfully. "I have no idea what that was. I was just thinking how I didn't want you to die and then all of a sudden there's fire in my veins and my hand is freaking glowing."

His brows lowered with concern. "And you feel fine?"

"Yes," I sighed, "I already told you; other than the initial unpleasant aftermath that you witnessed in the bathroom back there, I'm good. Maybe a little tired, but whatever it is that I did to make you better, I don't think I transferred your sickness to myself."

He nodded slightly, still clearly disturbed by the whole thing. "So you do think that it was you who did it?"

I shrugged beneath the weight of his hands. "I mean, what else could it be?" I stepped away from his hold and went to look out the window. The sun was just starting to rise and the sky above the buildings across the road was beginning to stain with a pinkish glow. I didn't turn around as I spoke. "One minute you were dying from heart failure and the next you're completely fine while I'm decorating the inside of a toilet bowl."

Thankfully the 'event' happened in the middle of the night and there was only one nurse on the floor who was at the reception desk at the time of my screaming. By the time she reached our room, we had convinced her that I was just worried something was happening to Dean.

He was wheeled away straight to cardiology and that's where the doctor found Dean's heart completely in tact with no damage in it whatsoever. They begged him to concede to studies, but Dean didn't want to become a Harvard guinea pig, especially since he knew they would never find any plausible answers. The doctor's findings confirmed my suspicions — I somehow healed Dean.

"And nothing like this has ever happened to you before?" Dean's question drew me back.

"Dean," I turned to semi-glare at him. "Don't you think I probably would've mentioned it at one point or another if I randomly went around healing people of their terminal illnesses?"

"Look, I'm just trying to make sense of this, don't get testy."

"You're not the one with the 'magic touch' here," I snapped. "I can be as testy as I want to be."

He stepped closer and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "We'll figure this out, Ray. Promise."

Leaning into his embrace, I rested my forehead on his chest. "What's happening to me?" I whispered. "Do you...do you think that this has anything to do with the light and the darkness that's inside me?"

"You healed me, Rayne. I don't think that's dark in any way, shape, or form.

"So you think it's the light?"

"I don't know, Cherry Pie." He kissed the top of my head. "But whatever it is, I'm pretty grateful for it."

He was right. Amidst freaking out about my newfound 'powers', I didn't even take the time to properly revel in Dean's latest diagnosis. He was no longer dying. I didn't have to say goodbye. I laughed as he took my face between his hands and attacked my lips with fervent kisses. Things didn't have to end in that hospital room. We didn't have to end. I got to take Dean home with me, and in that moment I couldn't care less about what it was inside of me that allowed me to heal him. I looked up at him with a watery smile, tears of joy clinging to my eyelashes. "I'm pretty grateful for it, too."

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