Whiskey Sours

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Sam and I had pulled up to the motel from our supply run and I volunteered to go get Rayne while he waited in the car so that the three of us could head to the bar. As I approached our room, I heard muffled music coming from inside. I tried to peer through the curtains but they were drawn closed. I was slightly disappointed that I didn't get to catch Rayne doing something embarrassing. What I saw when I opened the door, however, was even better. I froze, halfway in between the room and the outside, as Rayne was obliviously singing and twirling to some Grease song.

She was wearing the clothes we'd found for her earlier that day and she looked damn good in them, too. She would've given Olivia Newton-John a run for her money for sure. Rayne stopped midway between a spin when she caught me staring. Hesitation briefly crossed her features before she quickly recovered and glided her way towards me, singing passionately along with the lyrics.

"If you're filled

With affection

You're too shy to convey

Meditate in my direction

Feel your way"

She directed the words of the song at me with a wicked sparkle in her eye; her playful gaze not allowing me to look away. I swallowed loudly as I watched her hips swing back and forth seductively. A part of me knew that she was just messing with me, but her efforts had me captivated nonetheless.

Travolta sang his parts of the duet in the background and Rayne sang over the female lines.

"I better shape up

'Cause you need a man"

"I need a man," Rayne repeated, "who can keep me satisfied." She placed a hand on my chest and leaned in, grinning.

"I better shape up

If I'm gonna prove"

"You better prove," she crooned at me.

"That my faith is justified"

"Are you sure?"

I found myself singing the words in my head along with the last phrase; not even knowing how I knew them.

Yes, I'm sure down deep inside.

My hand instinctively traveled to rest on her waist and I pulled her towards me, needing her close. Rayne's playfulness fell as she peeked up at me, suddenly unsure. The last verse of the song continued to play by itself, forgotten. I gazed down into her hazel eyes, trying to get my thoughts in order.

Before I could figure out what I wanted to do, Rayne broke our trance with a composed step backwards. She glanced down at her boots shyly. "We should go," she mumbled.

Clearing my throat, I pushed down the disappointment and unrest I felt at not having her next to me. "You have everything?" I asked more gruffly then I'd intended.

She nodded and I let her walk past me as I locked the door behind us.


I was bait. 

Once again, I was the little worm dangling helplessly at the end of the hook in front of, in this case, the two bikers. I didn't really mind it; Dean and Sam were keeping an eye on me from the other side of the bar while questioning anyone willing to answer, and I had a switchblade on me. I knew I could defend myself; that wasn't the problem. I was worried about not being able to pull off my character convincingly.

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