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I pressed myself farther against the wall as Dean came even closer. He lifted a finger and slowly dragged it across my exposed collarbone. I shuddered at his touch. He grinned in sick satisfaction.

"Please," I breathed. "Don't do this."

His hand slid up my throat and grabbed me by the chin tightly. He jerked my head to the side and I felt his lips near my ear. "Don't do what?" he asked sweetly.

As I held in a sob, he started to kiss me down my neck while his other hand traveled down to my thigh and squeezed it painfully. "This," I begged. "Please, don't."

"I just want to talk," he said innocently before turning my face towards him and letting his lips hover above my own. "For now."

"What about?" I asked through clenched teeth. I wanted nothing more than to push him away from me, but I also didn't want to set him off; he didn't seem all too stable at the moment.

Dean bobbed his head back and forth as he said, "Oh, this and that." He grasped my hand and led me over to the bed.

"What are you doing?" My voice betrayed me and he smiled at the obvious fear that drenched each syllable.

"Relax," he said. "I just thought you might like to be sitting down for this."

My knees were trembling, and so I sat on the edge of the bed only because I didn't want to collapse onto the floor. He sat next to me and immediately buried his nose in my hair as he took a long whiff.

"Ah, I can see why he likes you so much." Leaning back, he cocked his head as his eyes took on a faraway look. He brought his hand to his temple, grunting in concentration, and grimaced before his face relaxed and he looked back at me. "Or maybe...loves?" he pondered aloud. "Yes, I think 'love' is a more adequate word. He won't admit it to himself because he thinks that it will leave him exposed, vulnerable, but oh yes, it scares him how much he loves you. Such feelings can only be rivaled by his love for his little brother. But even that, he won't admit to."

He started to play with my hair. "But you don't mind so much, do you?" he continued. "You know that Dean's not the talkative type. Showing  you how he feels about you is more than enough, isn't it?" His eyes made a journey down my face and landed on my low-cut shirt hungrily. "Maybe I can show you exactly how he feels about you."

Leaning away from him, I tried to keep my tears at bay. I had to stall him; I wasn't sure who I was waiting for, for all I knew, Dean and Sam could've been tied up somewhere in an abandoned factory at the moment. But I also knew that I couldn't let the shapeshifter go through with his plans. "You said that Dean is keeping some little things from me," I said, waving the metaphorical bait. "What are they?"

"Oh, sweetheart," he chuckled, biting the hook. "I lied. He's hiding some very big things from you."

"Like what?"

"Well, for instance, aren't you curious as to what caused you to become so suddenly and violently sick today? Conveniently just in time for a new case?"

"I got food poisoning."

"Oh, sure. That's a much easier story to believe. But I happen to know that there's should I say this: higher power at work here." He took my hand in his and started to kiss every single finger, one after the other. "You see, I happen to know that it wasn't exactly Dean's idea to keep you away from hunts."

"Then whose idea was it?" I asked, trying to refrain from yanking my hand back.

"Well, it wasn't Sammy's, if that's what you're thinking."

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