Green Eyed Lady

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Three weeks until my time ran out. Three weeks until my life, as I knew it, was over.

Given the fact that I would be a demon's lapdog in less than a month, I was acting fairly chill. I got through my days with a sort of resigned acceptance. Being back on the road with the brothers, doing what we did best — it was easier to focus on the good than to live in constant fear of my inevitable enslavement to Azazel.

For instance, at the moment I could have been sitting in the Impala, rocking side-to-side and hyperventilating, but that would have made Dean suspicious, so instead I was focusing on our latest case. We heard reports of six mysterious deaths in the area that happened within a week of each other and immediately drove into town to investigate. The victims had nothing in common except that they were all couples.

After interviewing each of the couple's families, we discovered that the only link between them was that they all visited a local cliff, known as The Cliffhanger,  for some 'alone time' the night before their deaths. The morning after returning from the cliff, the couples started to fight. Not too long after that, each guy killed his girlfriend and then himself. It was like the plot of a badly written Shakespeare play.

That's where the Winchesters and I were currently — scouring that cursed cliff top for anything that could have been driving people to kill themselves.

"Do we even know what we're looking for?" Dean asked. "This place gives me the creeps."

"Oh please," Sam said. "Don't act like you've never been 'parking' before."

Dean paused his search to look disappointingly over at his brother. "Parking? Seriously, dude? The fifties called. They want their references back."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"But you're right," Dean continued. "If you weren't here, Ray and I would've already been making out in the backseat of Baby as of ten minutes ago."

I smacked Dean on his back. "Concentrate!"

"Like I said, we don't even know what we're looking for!" he snapped. "This is a waste of time."

Dean had been on edge ever since leaving Bobby's. The smallest things were setting him off. I assumed that he was still just mad that John and my Mom left things off so casually; going in their separate directions without so much as an "I'll call you." It was weird how strongly Dean felt about his dad settling down for some reason.

John, himself, was still MIA. Before he drove off, while Sam and Dean were saying goodbye to my mom, he told me that he was going to find something or someone who knew how to get me off the hook. I never expected it, but John seemed really grateful to me for saving Dean's life. Or maybe he was just feeling guilty that he didn't do it himself, and saving me was a way of clearing his conscience.

Whatever the reason, I wasn't complaining. If anyone knew what, other than the Colt, could kill Azazel, it was John. Of course, Castiel and his two angels probably knew more, but they hadn't been replying to any of my prayers, so I wasn't putting too much hope in them.

Either Heaven was on strike, or they didn't really care to show up unless I was in immediate, on the brink of death, danger. I bet that if I tried to shoot myself in the head, they'd pop in pretty quickly.

I was in the midst of thinking all this through for the hundredth time when an icy sensation shot down my spine. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I was instantly on alert. My eyes scanned the darkness around us.

"Something's not right here," I said.

Dean glanced over at me. "Are you Spidey senses tingling again?"

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