The Anaplírosi

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It had been two days since Dean and I got our bodies back, and we'd been on the road for the majority of them. Sam said he found a case a few days' drive from where we were staying, so we left immediately, itching to be rid of that horrid town where I was forced to wear Dean's boxers and pee standing up. I couldn't help but shudder at the memory.

I was still thinking of a way to get Dean back for "getting a good peek". I was fairly certain that he was lying since the only time I wasn't with him was when I went to the bathroom to change, but I wasn't about to pass up a good opportunity for petty revenge.

Scooting down in the backseat, I decided to start small and put my feet up on Dean's headrest, wiggling my toes in his face. Dean didn't notice right away but Sam did and he started to laugh. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Rayne," he warned.

Dean glanced back at me at his brother's words and his face turned livid. "Get your feet off my seat, Cherry Pie!"

I pretended to think about that for a moment before replying in a cheery tone, "Hm, no thanks."

"Sam," Dean said evenly.

"Yeah?" Sam asked, sounding apprehensive.

"Hold the wheel."

"Why-?" Sam started, but Dean didn't wait for him to finish as he whirled around and grabbed my right foot in a tight lock. Sam leaned over in his seat, scrambling frantically to take the wheel.

Dean stared me down as I squirmed in my seat, trying to get my foot back. His hold only tightened. "You want to know what happens to girls who put their feet up on my seat?" he asked in a menacing voice.

"You give them a pedicure?"

He smirked. "Not quite."

I screamed bloody murder as he started to tickle the bottom of my foot. "Dean! Let go," I shrieked, trying to jerk my leg away.

"Say you're sorry," he said, not letting up on his torture.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I pleaded, trying to kick him off with my other foot now.

"Promise you'll never do that again to Baby."

"I promise! Just stop!"

His fingers stilled and he smirked at me. "Good to know you're ticklish. I'll keep that in mind," he said, patting my foot with a grin before letting go. He then turned around to face the road again and take over from Sam.

"I'm not ticklish!" Nothing good could come of him knowing that I could so easily be at his mercy.

"Okay," he said, obviously not believing me.

So far, my plan to get him back was going very wrong. I sighed. "So, what's the case, Sam?"

"Female escorts have been disappearing," Dean responded for him.

"Oh, your friends?" I asked sweetly.

He glanced at me through the rearview mirror with a leer. "I don't pay for 'my friends', sweetheart."

"Do they know that?"

He narrowed his eyes at me just as Sam interjected. "There's a pretty popular gentlemen's club, called The Anaplírosi, in the city that we're heading to. Since they're escorts, there hasn't been much of an investigation, but reports are saying that five girls have disappeared in the past six days."

"What makes you think that it's the work of some big, bad monster?" I asked. "Could be just a psycho killer...although that isn't a more comforting thought."

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