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"Wow, Rayne, that was..." Dean trailed off, searching for the right thing to say.

"Shh, shh," I whispered dramatically, pressing my fingers against his mouth. "No need to ruin the moment with useless words. We both know I was a sex goddess."

Dean started to laugh loudly as he pulled me tighter into his side and brushed a firm kiss to my forehead. "Her first time and she's already calling herself a sex goddess!"

"Well, I mean, I don't exactly have anything to compare that to, but I thought it was pretty good."

Unexpectedly he rolled me over on top of him, one of his hands at the base of my neck and the other one way south of there. "Oh, babe, it gets so, so much better."

"Really now?" I kissed him, giggling slightly when his hand glided up my exposed back. "Sorry," I added shyly, "I'm still getting used to the whole 'being naked with Dean Winchester' thing."

He began to kiss my neck avidly. "You know what they say," he murmured against my collarbone, "the more you practice, the easier it gets."

"Huh, that's one theory I wouldn't mind testing out."

"Mmh, yes," he mumbled distractedly. "It's all for research."

The night passed by quickly as we got lost in each other. Drifting off at some moments, intertwining together at others. I had discovered this whole other aspect of our relationship and I was beyond eager to explore it further alongside Dean.

As tacky as it sounded, making love with him brought us to a level of intimacy that I hadn't experienced before. During those private embraces, Dean was as gentle as I had ever seen him. He was tender and attentive at the same time as he was passionate and determined. His playfulness set up the exposition, the rougher side of him got us to the climax, and his gentleness was there to greet me at the denouement. 

Ours was a storyline I could revisit again and again without ever tiring of it. 

Dean's soft touches and butterfly kisses alone were enough to send me over the edge. Being with him in that way completely melted away my remaining insecurities, and I let him know me almost as well as I knew myself. Maybe better.

His fingers got entangled in my hair as he hovered above me. "Rayne, you...are...everything."

We breathed out in sweet relief just as the morning sun peeked through the curtains and warmed our already melted bodies.


Later that morning, Dean and I were in the inn's library, occupying the only available computer. It took us a while to get out of bed, but we finally got dressed and after having some breakfast, decided it was time to finally get to the bottom of what was going on in the place.

I scrolled down the news article on the screen while Dean leaned over my shoulder. "Two freak accidents in the past three weeks," I read aloud. "A lady drowned in the bathtub; then a few days ago a guy fell down the stairs, his head turning a complete one-eighty."

"Which isn't exactly normal," Dean agreed.

"And remember that doll that I found in the dollhouse? The one lying at the bottom of the stairs with his head twisted all the way around? Maybe we're dealing with voodoo as well as hoodoo. Unless those are both the same thing...I'm not exactly up to date on all that stuff."

"Okay, but if it is, then who's doing it? I mean, Susan is the one wanting to sell the inn in the first place, so it can't be her; I doubt it's one of the little girls; and the granny is supposed to be sick."

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