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Rayne  directed me to the junkyard a few miles down the road. She had been quiet for the last few minutes, chewing on her bottom lip nervously. I couldn't tell if she was nervous around me or just worried for her mechanic friend, Roger. "So, Rayne," I began, trying to kill the silence.

She turned to me and smiled, her eyes sparkling in amusement. I noticed the faint shade of brown around the pupil of her green eyes and decided that hazel was my favorite color. "What, no Cherry Pie, Dean?" she asked, emphasizing my name. I liked the way she said it — like we'd known each other for longer than we had.

Tilting my head, I stumbled over my words with a goofy smile. "I...you know...I like to keep it interesting."

"You sure do," she said, her voice holding a hint of teasing. "What can I do for you?"

My mind blanked as I had completely forgotten which snarky comment I'd thought of just a moment ago. "How much further?" I asked, picking the first thing that popped into my head even though I could see the junkyard sign just ahead of us.

"Umm...about a meter?" she asked, confused as she pointed to the sign.

I groaned internally. So not cool, Winchester! "Uh, right. Just making sure you were paying attention."

She laughed, clearly seeing right through me. "Okay, yeah, whatever."

I pulled off to the side of the road by the fence and we both got out. "So, how are we supposed to get in, Kim Possible?" I asked when I spotted the heavy-duty lock on the front gate.

Rayne clenched her teeth, mildly exasperated as she strolled alongside the fence, away from the car. "Don't act like you've never trespassed before. Your face practically belongs on a 'WANTED' sign."

I trailed after her. "For your information, I pull off the Blue Steel look quiet well, if I do say so myself."

"Prove it!" she challenged, turning to face me.

Pausing to pull my features together, I pouted my lips at her. She burst into laughter, holding her sides just a tad too dramatically. I spread my arms in display. "It's good, right?"

Rayne wiped an imaginary tear from her eye. "Oh yeah, 'my information' appreciates that."

"Oh can it, Half Pint," I muttered.

With another grin my way, she turned around and started climbing through a narrow wedge in the fence, sliding her slim body in sideways.

"Hey, how am I supposed to get in there?" I yelled after her. "Not all of us come in 'fun size'".

She poked her head back through and squinted up at me. "Why don't you just lift your leg and step over the fence, Palm Tree?"

Mocking her pitifully like a three year old, I grabbed the ledge to climb over and jumped down on the other side. "Palm Tree, yeah good one," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I dusted off my knees.

"Finally," she said. "Took you long enough." She pronounced the 'long' loudly. "Ha! Get it? Long? Because you're so tall!" She then proceeded to laugh at her own joke proudly.

Not amused, I stood watching her with a blank stare on my face. After a few moments she finally settled down and straightened to look at me. "You think you're funny," I stated as a remark, not a question.

She beamed at me. "I think I'm adorable."

I glared at her, stunned as she spun on her heel and walked away. "Hey! Wait a minute! That's my line! You can't say that! Rayne-" I yelled, frustrated.

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