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Sandros was close on their trail. Marcus and Bethia followed him. “What are we doing?” Marcus called to Sandros. “We lost the green men that were following us and we need to head toward some sort of safety. If there is such a thing anymore. What are we chasing after?”

            “Marion,” Sandros said without lifting his eyes from the trail ahead. He could make out where two horses had passed through the brush up ahead. He knew he must be near. Suddenly two mounts darted out of a group of trees not far ahead. Sandros felt a knot in his stomach. Why were there no riders on those horses? Suddenly another jolt of pain shot through his hands and wrists. He grimaced and flexed his golden gauntlets. Why did they feel so tight?

            “Who is Marion?” Marcus asked.

            “The inn keeper’s daughter,” Bethia said.

            “Oh, yes. The one with the full lips and big brown curls. Easy on the eyes, that’s for sure. Oh, I see now…” Marcus said with a grin. “I think our Golden Lion has got himself a lady.”

            Sandros paid them no mind as he slowly made his way to where he had seen the horses dart out. He rounded the group of trees and spied the side of a cave entrance. He slowly dismounted.

            “I don’t think this is a very good idea. We really don’t have time to be stopping. Who knows where the green men will pop up next. It was a miracle that we even made it out of Rega. We can’t stop now!“ Marcus said.

            Bethia slid off the back of the horse and drew her cutlass and followed Sandros’ lead. Marcus rolled his eyes. “No one ever listens to me, do they?” Marcus said under his breath.

            Suddenly a man rounded the corner of the cave and ran right into Sandros. It startled them both and they both pulled a weapon but then when they each saw who the other was they sighed and lowered them. “Sandros! Am I ever glad to see you, my boy.”

            “Akin, why are you not headed towards Seliz? You can’t stay here. The green men may be combing the woods this very moment.”

            “That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to tell you,” Marcus said looking at Sandros sternly. Bethia elbowed him in the ribs.

            “It’s Marion. She’s been poisoned.”

            “Poisoned? How?” Sandros said with urgency as he entered the cave. Akin followed.

            “She’s down here,” Akin said cutting in front of Sandros to lead him to Marion.

            Marcus and Bethia entered the cave. Bethia immediately drew her cutlass when she saw the color of green. She eyed the bound woman and glared her dark green eyes at the assassin. “Who are ya?” Bethia asked coldly.

            “You survived. I’m impressed,“ the Assassin said coldly then continued in her whispered voice. “My name is Maze. I was born in Mado here in Ithan. I was sent by my father to train with the secret Assassins of Baln. I serve King Gragon of Dorn. I am a traitor and an enemy of Ithan, and soon all of Ithan will bow at Dorn’s feet. You cannot stop it and are foolish if you think you can survive it. All who oppose King Gragon die eternal torments that Master Vade prepares for them. Forfeit now, while mercy is still available,” the Assassin whispered coldly.

            Marcus snorted. “Correct me if I’m wrong, sweet, but I think you are the one who should forfeit now while mercy is still available considering you are the one who is bound and at our feet.”

            Maze said nothing, staring stonily ahead with her unemotional eyes.

            Bethia still glared at her. “Why did the inn keeper bring’ ya here?”

            “He didn’t. I captured her and am taking her back to Seliz to show the king,” Sandros said coming toward the trio. He then squatted down in front of Maze. “This herb you told Akin about, can you be trusted to tell the truth?”

            “Why would I lie? There is no reason to. You will soon die anyway when King Gragon takes Ithan and Asand for his own.”

            “We’ll see about that,” Sandros said coldly. Then he removed his gauntlets and winced. His hands felt so strange like hot tar flowed through his veins rather than blood. He gasped when he saw the blackness of his hands.

            “Dragon poison,” Maze whispered. “Tell me, hero, can you afford not to trust me?”

            Sandros glared at the Assassin.

            “What exactly is going on?” Marcus asked as he saw Sandros’ hands.

            “That looks similar to shark poisonin‘,” Bethia said as she squatted down beside Sandros and took a closer look at his hands.

            “The deep sharks,” Marcus said nodding his head in agreement with Bethia. “The ones that only feed in the dark depths of the sea. They have coarse and rough skin that can cut a man’s flesh clean off his bones. Then when the wound begins to heal it causes a poison to set up. I’ve lost two of my own crew to it. It’s a bad way to die.”

            “The Assassin here says that there is an herb that can heal it,” Sandros said glaring at Maze. “She calls it bolig and says it grows under opher bushes.”

            “But how can we trust a traitor?” Akin asked as he came and stood behind Sandros.

            Maze smiled a sad smile and  whispered, “That is the question your own hearts must answer. But the time you waste in answering it will be the time it takes to die.”

            Sandros glared harder and put a deep frown on his face. The pain was shooting up his arms now and his entire hands had turned black. Marion’s feet were completely black. He sighed angrily. What other choice did they have?

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now