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Lord Talux paced back and forth alone in his chambers in the castle of Seliz. Tonight would be the night. Tonight he would damn his soul. He heaved another heavy sigh. He had no choice. The king had left him no more choices. Venes refused to listen to him and hear him out. Ithan could be so much more if they chose to be rather than a co-kingdom to Asand. Ithan could easily conquer Asand and rule the continent as one nation and from there…who knew. The possibilities seemed endless and with so much land at Ithan’s feet Lord Talux could take his proper place as a true Lord of Ithan rather than a lackey to a prideful king. Lord Talux’s family had once held the throne. 10 generations back one of his ancestors had sat on the marble throne and ruled Ithan as no heir was available, and Lord Talux’s ancestor had made sure it took nearly 60 years before one was found. The whole while knowing exactly where the heir was. Lord Talux felt proud of that fact. It had taken true brains to outsmart an entire nation into thinking the only heir was lost forever.

            Lord Talux stopped his pacing as he noticed his reflection in the window of his chambers. He looked the same as he always did. No look of guilt or remorse clouded his eyes. This surprised him. Perhaps he had never been loyal to the king. Maybe he had even deluded himself into believing that he followed the king when he subconsciously never had. Now that took brains, he mused and smiled at his reflection. Tonight would be a supper no one would ever forget. It would mark its place among the history pages of the world and change Ithan forever. Tonight a new king would rein in Seliz and Lord Talux had been promised an army of his own and the kingdom of Asand as his reward. He would take his place among history as a king and not just a lord. He would be King Talux the First of Asand and he would rule with a mighty fist. He would take whatever he liked and feel no guilt or regrets. He wouldn’t have to worry if it was right or if it’s what an honorable Ithan knight would do. He no longer had to answer to anyone but himself. He chuckled and sighed again but this time with pleasure. He was finally free of the yoke of the Kings of Ithan. He was free.

            He walked over to the chest that lay at the bottom of his bed. Inside it, hidden in a secret compartment, was the special juice that would put the whole castle under a spell of sleep. They would never know who had betrayed them and how it had all happened. He suddenly knew he would enjoy the look on King Venes’ face when he saw his beloved castle and city in flames. He had it coming to him. He had brought this upon Ithan himself. He should have been more vigilant. He should never have trusted so much. The spies Master Dominic had sent out had not gotten far. Lord Talux knew for a fact that they had never left Seliz.

            Suddenly his brow furrowed. What about that boy? Lord Kalum had been gone now for a few days in search of his unruly sister. He wasn’t sure anything was going on but he wanted to make sure there were no loose ends. He would send out word among his men to keep an eye out for the boy and his sister. Things were just too suspicious with them. Perhaps he should put a ransom on their head among his men instead. Maybe they could even be persuaded to join him. He could use a good knight. Kalum, of course, had never proven to be anything spectacular in the ways of knighthood but he was still in training. Lady Kala he had no use for but a trained knight would be most welcome when he began his quest to overthrow Asand.

            Lord Talux’s thoughts shifted again as he returned to his brooding. King Venes did not deserve to rule. If he was such a fool as to allow the green men to get this far and be so naïve then it was only right that his kingdom be stripped from him.

            Lord Talux searched his soul again. Nope, not a sign of guilt or remorse. When a man has what’s coming to him, then there should never be any shame in executing his judgment.

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now