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Dawn shone brightly into the knights barracks as Kalum was pulled from his bed. Blinking in confusion and trying to get his eyes to adjust to the light, he saw Lord Talux and Master Dominic standing in front of him. “Sirs?” Kalum asked in confusion as he tried to make himself presentable.

            “When was the last time you saw Kala?” Lord Talux asked in a harsh voice. Evidently he had been pulled from his bed early too.

            “Yesterday. After my sword session with Master Celeb. Why?” Kalum asked as he got more fully dressed. Then he stopped. “Where is she?”

            “And you are sure that is the last time you saw her? A servant said he saw you going to Kala’s chambers after the supper.”

            “I knocked but no one answered so I assumed she was asleep. Master Dominic said she had complained of a headache. Where is she?” and Kalum looked at Master Dominic.

            “We don’t know. We were hoping you knew,” Master Dominic said softly. His gray eyes were filled with worry and he looked ancient beyond his years.

            Kalum was trying not to panic. What had Kala done now? Then he suddenly stopped. He knew where Kala was. “By the moons of Ithan,” Kalum cursed under his breath. “I might kill her if I find her.” Kalum grabbed his sword.

            “You know something?” Master Dominic said pinning Kalum with his eyes.

            Kalum faltered from the old sage’s hard stare. “I have a very good idea.”

            “Then tell us and we can send a party out to retrieve her. You have more training you need to be tending to,” Lord Talux said gruffly.

            “I can’t exactly do that,” Kalum hesitantly said. He knew if he told them where Kala was then that would lead to more questions and then they would find out about Kala’s eavesdropping. She was already in enough trouble without making things worse for her.

            “Excuse me?” Lord Talux said stepping closer to Kalum with a look of death in his eyes. Lord Talux was nearly a foot taller than Kalum and nearly broader then the doorway. His muscles bulged as he flexed his hands into fists. He was not accustomed to being disobeyed.

            “Let me go get her. I can find her,” Kalum pleaded and turned to Master Dominic. “Please, Master, I can find her. Let me go.”

            “Do you know for sure where she is?” Master Dominic asked.


            “Then where is she? And how is it that you know? And why won’t you tell us?” Lord Talux bellowed.

            Master Dominic studied Kalum’s eyes and understood he was trying to protect Kala. Kalum knew something that he thought would get Kala in more trouble and evidently very bad trouble if Kalum was willing to risk the wrath of Lord Talux. “Alright, then,” Master Dominic replied softly. “But the city has been put under watch and the castle has been closed. You need to be very careful, young lord. We have reason to believe that the green men have crossed into Ithan and we know not their whereabouts. Be vigilant and take care,” and Master Dominic put his hand on Kalum’s shoulder.

            Kalum nodded in response, and put his spectacles on. Kalum did not then understand that this was the horizon that he had always felt like the voice of his father had spoken of. Even now his heart was racing with fear, panic, and anger. If he found Kala, he just hoped she was well. He would never forgive himself if anything happened to her. She was all he had left in the world and he had foolishly scorned her yesterday. He should have said something to soothe her mind rather than to make her more upset.

If he had had any idea that she would have done something like this he would never have let her out of his sight. He hurried down the corridor of the castle and out the door into the morning light.

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now