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“And all were taken care of, I assume?” a knight in all black armor asked one of the captains once the crates had been deposited onto the volcanic island of Dorn.

            “Yes, my liege,” the captain replied with wariness.

            “You are certain?” the evil knight asked again.

            Before the captain could answer a hiss was heard from behind him. A black robed being with red glowing eyes and flashing white fangs came and knelt before the King of Dorn and answered. “O yes, your Great One. I searched for signs of life with my black force and none were left. It was as you commanded.”

            “Very good, Master Vade. Very good,” King Gragon said as he looked toward the magnificent beasts that now bellowed into the sky. “We’ve crippled Asand and slaughtered two of Ithan’s city capitals and none even begin to realize the death that still awaits.” The black knight chuckled with the dry and husky voice of a grim reaper. “Soon Ithan will be ours and this entire world will know the wrath of Dorn and pay ten fold for what was done to our people!” he said as he raised a fisted handed into the dark, ash filled sky of Dorn.

            “My liege,” the timid captain begin. “What of the survivors left at Mount Larise? Will they not get word back to King Venes?”

            “Insolent fool!” Master Vade screamed and grabbed the captain by the throat with his claws.

            King Gragon watched in amusement.

            “The King of Dorn makes no mistakes! He is the storm that has no end. The fire that consumes all. He is the Mighty One! If he left survivors at that stinking ice waste it was because he wanted to,” Master Vade said as he slowly squeezed the life from the captain.

            Gragon chuckled again, “It will take nearly two weeks before any survivors can make it to Seliz and by then….well….by then Ithan will be burning around Venes and there won’t be a damn thing he can do about it.”

            The captain screamed as Master Vade sucked his soul from him. A dark mist rose from the man’s body and entered Vade’s mouth.

            “Any good?” asked Gragon.

            Vade smacked his lips, “Too much honor and doubt in that one to make for much, your highness.”

            Gragon chuckled again. “Soon….soon,” he whispered to the Wind knowing it was listening.

            “May my dragons have another turn at some blood, your highness?” Vade asked softly. “I am eager to see them in combat again.” A slow smile crept up his hidden face and he shivered with arousal. The very thought that his creatures would bring glory to Dorn made him ache in ways no one else could make him.

            Gragon nodded in approval. “If you can keep them under control,” he sneered.

            Vade bowed low and swept his arm out wide, “O Great and Mighty One, I will not fail.”

            “I would suggest you didn’t,” Gragon said turning away from Vade. “Or else it will be me getting to taste your soul next.”

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now