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Sandros woke up dazed and aching all over. He stumbled to get up and saw a pool of his own blood. His hands were cut to ribbons and his body was badly bruised and sore. Akin! He had told Marion he would find the inn keeper. Now that she was safe he had a duty to the man who had been her father when she had no one else. He began to stumble down the stairs in the building he had fallen into. Suddenly a flash of red clothe caught his eye and he heard the sweetest voice his ears had ever been graced to hear. “Sandros!” and in a moment he was in the soft arms of Marion.

            She clung to him and nearly wept. She felt weak and shaken to the core. Sandros winced in pain and Marion pulled back a bit. “What is it?“

            “I think my ribs are broke,“ Sandros said in a hiss and Marion let go of her tight hold on him.

            She suddenly noticed Sandros was covered in a strange goo like substance and smelled rather foul. She sniffed several times and began to back away. She put her hand to her nose to plug it and saw the goo on her own arms. “What is that stuff?” she asked indignantly.

            Sandros looked down at his own clothes and began trying to fling the stuff off of him, “Lizard spit, I guess.”

            Marion began laughing and felt so much at once that she embraced Sandros again, even with the goo.

            Sandros pulled her away from him, “I told you to go to the capital and find the King.” He furrowed his brow and narrowed his eyes at her.

            A perfectly angelic and innocent look came over her face, “I wasn’t going to let you get hurt for my sake. Besides, you need me and you’re glad to see me. Just admit it. You know it’s true.” She smiled her brilliant smile and wiped the goo from his lips and kissed him softly. “Now, let’s go find Akin,” she said with determination. Sandros could do nothing but nod.

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now