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A young sparrow, named Dusty, watched the young Lord Kalum as he left the castle and remembered that the human was the sibling of his dear friend. He took flight then, determined to follow the young man and perhaps learn what had happened to his young human companion. When he inquired with Master Dominic earlier that morning, the old sage said he was too busy to speak. Now, sparrows are the type of bird that do not like to be dismissed so easily and they are also very curious, and this particular sparrow was the extreme of both.

            His shadow fell just over the head of the young knight as he followed him into the recently fortified city of Seliz in search of his friend. Dusty felt a tinge of evil nearby and knew he had to find his friend soon. He had to make sure she was safe. The Wind smelt of fire and death and it made Dusty anxious. He remembered the ancient tales the animal Council often told. Tales of monsters that breathed fire and death. He shivered. He needed to find Kala. He needed her to be safe. She was important somehow. He had felt that when they first met.

            The Wind blew over the feathers of the little sparrow and he heard it then. The wind spoke, “Hurry! Time is passing! Hurry!” Dusty made a shrill noise and flapped his wings to keep up the pace with the human he was following. Something was coming….or was it already here? Dusty’s little heart beat furiously with worry. He had seen the humans hurriedly pulling up the gates and increasing guards. He could feel the tense atmosphere in the city. Something was wrong. He had been too long gone and all in vain.

            His mission to the Council of Birds had been for not. Yet he had went every year hoping to bridge the gap between humans and animals and every year they had tossed him out. They didn’t want to hear him. They were set in their ways and after the ancient betrayal of the humans, nearly eight hundred years ago, no animal was willing to hear of unity. The Elders themselves built up the myth of the human deception. Yet Dusty knew not all humans were evil. He trusted two with his life more than he would trust another sparrow.

            One had been his teacher and mentor, opening new doors to an orphaned sparrow that had no animal home. The other had been his friend and, sometimes he felt, his sister. He now had to find her. To make sure she was safe. She was dear to him. She was impetuous and rash but she had a compassionate and earnest heart. He sensed calm then. He would find her. It wasn’t too late. He could feel time slipping, but it wasn’t too late yet.

            Suddenly a butterfly fluttered by him. “Leave,” it said softly.

            “Have you seen Kala, the human with red hair that talks to animals?” Dusty asked anxiously.

            “Few days past,” the butterfly whispered.

            Dusty cursed. Butterflies were never any use to talk to. They either never knew anything or were too backward to just say it. “Thanks,” he said anyway.

            The butterfly flew in front of him again flapping its petit and delicate wings. “Death is coming,” it whispered even more softly as if afraid the very mention of it would bring it down on them were they hovered.

            “I know,” Dusty said.

            “We are leaving. The earth has called us to go. Come.”

            Dusty shook his head. “I know. I heard the call. The Wind foretold of this but I can’t leave.”

            The butterfly shook its small head in confusion.

            “I’m sorry,” Dusty said. “The humans will need help and as long as my friends are here then I will remain here as well.”

            The butterfly kept shaking its head as it flew off.

            Dusty knew none of the other animals would ever understand his conviction for the humans and they would always believe him a traitor but he felt it in his bones. He knew his place was here with Kala. She was important and he needed to help all that he could.

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now