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As the castle ate their supper, night had come upon Ithan and the stars shone brightly. They twinkled down upon a lone figure crossing the large expanse of open land between the city and the castle. The lone figure suddenly gasped and tripped. When the figure got up from the ground, there another figure sat in the dark, looking up at the stars.

            “O, I beg your pardon,” the first lone figure said politely in a young female voice.

            “Where are you sneaking off to, child?” the sitting figure asked in a deep woman’s voice.

            “Nowhere. What would make you think I was sneaking?”

            The dark-skinned woman chuckled. “When a person tiptoes, and tries not to make much noise while constantly looking over her shoulder, she is sneaking off somewhere.” The black-skinned woman then stood. “I am Grada from the mountains of Cain. But then you already know that. And you are the young one that was hidden in the throne room today as I approached the king.”

            “How did you know?” Kala asked with large astonished eyes that Grada could see, even in the dark.

            Grada chuckled again, “My pale eyes miss very little.”

            “I’m Kala,” she said and shook the tall woman’s hand. “I’m on a secret mission. You mustn’t tell anyonePlease, Grada.”

            “What sort of secret mission?” Grada said with a seriousness to her voice.

            “My friend Cyndal is in danger. The king has sent her to find out about those green men that attacked your village. They don’t have any way of telling her about the attack on your village and she is Ithan’s last hope. I’ve got to find her and tell her so she can go to Par and track down those awful men before they kill again.”

            “This is a dangerous mission you have set out upon, child. Are you not afraid?”

            “Cyndal is like my sister and I won’t let anything happen to her. I may be considered a child by you and my brother and everyone else but I know I can find her and help her. I know what my heart feels and I know this is right. For once I’m going to do something right. For once I’m needed. Besides, I can call things forth and I’m pretty good with a dagger, and I know in my heart that I’ve got to help Cyndal. I’m not going to let anything stop me,” Kala stood proud and strong as she delivered her speech.

            Grada cocked her head to one side, “I see that you do have much courage in your heart, Kala, and I am sorry I called you a child. But I do not think it is wise that you seek your friend alone.” Grada looked up at the stars above them. Kala could see her pale eyes in the dark even though nothing else was visible. “I have been sitting here looking up to the stars for an answer. For I came to Seliz for justice for the wrong done to my village and yet the king cannot aid me. My father entreated me to find these men and to stop them and I knew not how…till now.” Grada then looked down at Kala. She stood nearly a foot taller than the young sage and twice as broad but there was a calming peace to Grada Kala felt awed by. “I will accompany you on this mission. For whatever answers your friend finds will aid me in my quest as well. Shall we go together then?”

            Kala smiled, “Together then.” They clasped wrists in a warriors’ handshake and then began their descent into the underbelly of Seliz little knowing that their journey had just begun. Little understanding the dangers they would face ahead and just how far the path they had chosen would lead them. A soft Wind blew Kala’s cape and tussled the fur of Grada‘s helmet, whispering of the path that lay ahead and all the things that would change them forever.

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now