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“Now!” Marcus shouted and Bethia, Captain Tomin, and himself all split in three separate directions running as fast as their legs could carry them.

            Marcus turned to see who the black armored man had chosen to chase and to his dismay saw the demon charging down on Bethia as she ran down the main road of Rega. She didn’t stand a chance of outrunning him.

            “No!” Tomin yelled and began chasing after the pair. Marcus gritted his teeth. This is not at all what he planned! He saw a rider less black mount meandering around the side of the burned tavern and decided he might be able to salvage this plan after all. Not that he had had a real plan to start with but it made him feel better to think that there had been one originally. He always had a plan.

            Bethia was running as fast as her legs could carry her but she could feel the hot breath of the black horse and could hear its panting almost in her ear. She wasn’t going to make it. She didn’t feel anything at the thought, just that it was a fact and that this was her time. Suddenly the horse went wild and stopped chasing her. It reared on its back legs as if stung by an unseen bee and screamed.

            Captain Tomin cursed. He had meant to hit the armored man and not the horse but it still worked out. His eye sight wasn’t what it used to be and he had flung the dagger hoping it would find its way into the back of the rider but at least Bethia was safe….for now. “Run, Bethia!” her father called. “Run an’ don’t turn back.”

            Bethia knew she couldn’t leave him behind. “Never!” she shouted. “I won‘t leave ya!” and she turned to face the screaming horse and its ominous rider.

            “Bethia!” her father called in desperation as he tried running to her. Just then the rider took a strangle hold on his horse and yanked the reins. Bethia watched in muted horror as the black monster turned towards her father instead of herself and swung his long black sword. She heard her father cry out and she began running blindly toward the black armored man not realizing she was screaming at the top of her lungs.

            Suddenly Marcus rounded the corner on a black mount and took a swing with his sword, knocking the horn off the black menace’s helmet. It jarred the man and he tilted nearly off his horse.

            Meanwhile Bethia reached her father’s side. He had fallen to his knees and blood gushed from his arm. His sword lay broken in pieces around him. She helped him up and watched as Marcus continued to clash swords with the invader.

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now