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“Maybe you should let me do the talking this time,” Vix said arrogantly as he lead Kala and Grada through back-alleys to the tavern he had sent Cyndal to.

            “I was doing just fine till you and that weird old man got the wrong idea,” Kala said indignantly.

            Vix rolled his eyes. “Were almost there and I expect my two hundred coins.“

            “Needn’t worry, young Vix. I keep my word,” Grada said with an edge of annoyance to her voice.    

            Vix suddenly stopped and Kala bumped into him. “Will you watch where you’re going?” she said angrily and punched him in the back.

            Vix turned and pulled her behind some crates and Grada followed, unstrapping her axe from her shoulders. “What is it?” Kala whispered.

            Vix put his hand over her mouth and pointed toward the back entrance of the tavern where a large crowd of men dressed in dark cloaks where unhinging boxes. A flash of a green tunic made Grada tense. Vix grabbed her arm and shook his head. She jerked her arm from him and Kala broke his hold on her mouth. “Don’t ever do that again. Your hand is nasty,” Kala whispered angrily and punched Vix on the arm.

            “Shut your mouth, red-head, if you want to live,” he said in a hard tone.

            Kala did and watched the strange men unload swords and shields from the unmarked crates that were stored behind the tavern.

            “Have you notified Master Vade of our progress and of our new prisoner?” one of the men said softly as he equipped another man with a sword and shield.

            “I sent the bat with the message a few minutes ago.”

            “Are we sure that this secret passageway is not known?” one of the other robed figures asked quietly.

            “Absolutely certain. No one. Not even the honorable King Venes knows of its existence.“ The green men chuckled.

            “But wasn’t there an existing tunnel already here. Wouldn’t someone have known about it?” the paranoid green man asked.

           “The existing tunnel didn‘t come this far into the slums but our good tavern keeper and his men have worked to remedy that.”

            “Doesn’t it lead directly in to the throne room?” another robed man asked.

            “What if they hear us coming?” the paranoid one asked again.

            “All we need do is wait in the passageway till dark and then when we receive the signal we enter and seize the castle. With our dragons on the outside and our men on the inside, they will have no choice but to surrender. And besides, most of the castle, except for the guards on the outside walls, will be dead asleep.” The robed men all chuckled and hid their shields and swords under their robes.

            “Our man in the castle knows when to administer the drug in the food, right? We can’t afford any mistakes this time,” the paranoid green man spoke up again.

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now