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Bethia stood at the entranceway of the Jolly Tavern looking out to sea. Searching for something her mind wasn’t certain of. Sandros came behind her and she heard him sniff the air. He grunted and walked around her, further out into the street. “Isn’t that a ship? I thought you said there was a blockade,” Sandros said almost accusingly as he pointed to a large ship that was sailing in to port. It was unlike anything Bethia had ever seen. It was all black except for the silvery sails that had imprints of an intertwined red and yellow dragon on them.

            “That’s no Ithan ship,” she said softly.

            Two strange black dots soared in the sky like distant flies, and billowing black clouds followed them. Another hot gust of wind nearly took Bethia’s beret off. “That looks like a storm on th’ horizon….but there’s somethin’ wrong about it…” Bethia trailed off.

            “No smell of rain,” Sandros said as if finishing her thought.

            The black dots grew more visible and glints of yellow and red could be seen glittering under the quickly vanishing sun. The ship was getting closer and more ships followed it. They stopped short of the docks though and began unloading black dinghies filled with men. Bethia saw flashes of green. Sandros suddenly turned to her, “Leave Rega! Immediately!”

            “What?” Bethia asked in a daze.

            “Everyone must leave. Now! Go! Tell them!” and he grabbed her arm and shoved her towards the tavern then took off.

            Bethia didn’t know what was going on but she had a bad feeling. When she went back inside the tavern she grabbed a nearby table and stood up on it so everyone could see her. “The taverns closed! The blockade has broke an’ men are comin’ ashore! Get out o’ Rega while ya still can!” She wasn’t sure how much she said was actually true but the stranger’s attitude had made her a temporary believer.

            The patrons in the bar begin to scramble out of their chairs. Some grabbed weapons while others ran. Bethia was trying to make her way to the back office where her father was with Marcus, but the bodies of the rushing throng where like a great tidal wave constantly pushing her back. She finally decided she had to find another way to the bar, so she jumped up on one of the tables and began table-stepping her way to her father.

            The door to the office then opened and Captain Tomin and Marcus both came out with questions on their faces. Bethia finally made it to them and grabbed her father by the sleeve. “We must leave now, father. Those strange men who set up the blockade’re comin’ ashore.”

            “That’s no reason to run, daughter. Wit’ all o’ Marcus’ crew we should stand an’ face them an’ push them out o’ Rega,” the aged pirate said with bravado. His face was pale but still held life. There was still fight in him but Bethia knew in her heart this was a fight they couldn’t win and she wasn’t willing to sacrifice her father to find out.

            “Here, here!” Marcus chimed in, but Bethia grabbed them both.

            “You’re not listenin‘!” She felt strongly like bashing their two masculine heads together. “There’s somethin’ wrong. A storm approaches wit’ the ships but there’s no rain ‘n it an’ a foul hot wind blows. The sea’s grown still an’ two strange black dots come toward Rega just barely ahead o’ the storm, like two demons deliverin’ the black mass by hand. There’s something’ wrong here. We have to leave now!”

            The two men still looked at her with disbelief and then shouts from outside got their attention. The ole captain and Marcus made their way to the entranceway of the tavern as all the men had finally cleared out. They saw the dinghies that were nearly at dock. Metal flashed in the waning sunlight and there was no mistaking the intent those men had. Then Bethia pointed to the two strange black dots in the sky that were no longer dots. She gasped and cursed. Her father did the same while Marcus could do nothing but stare as the dots became giant colored lizards howling at the top of their lungs headed straight for Rega.

The Legends of Ithan Book 1: Ghosts & FireWhere stories live. Discover now