34. Parker's Computer Manufacturing And Designs

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CHAPTER 34: Parker's Computer Manufacturing And Designs

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CHAPTER 34: Parker's Computer Manufacturing And Designs

My palms, red with constricting cold sweats is aligned along the epicentre of my dark plum red lips as I stare at the brick patterning behind the television in Poppy's suite. My heart felt heavy in my chest, no one had said a word once we were escorted to the elevator and to her room, with guards patrolling inside and out, without any rotations...though I have been sitting here for no more than twenty minutes. My mind was anxious, I was anxious. I didn't know what to think...she's a CEO.

A staff member appears in front of us, placing glasses of water from one of her trays, onto the glass table, "As complimentary guests of Ms Parker, would anyone like tea, coffee?" She asks, glancing down at us softly, I shake my head once, still thinking as Diana asks,

"Is there some place we could freshen up, my clothes and belongings are wet from the rain?" Diana says, a slight jitter in the way she speaks as Rosa-belle nods along with her, Everdeen just sips on her water while the men in the room remain too...still, too betrayed, to really say, ask or do anything but wait for the girl of the hour. Or century.

The attendant nods, "Of course, feel free to use the facilities. We have specific hair dry and wash products and I can supply bath-robes and wash your clothes for you, ma'am? Right this way, if you please?" She gestures towards the room.

Diana stands up straight, "Don't mind if I do." She mutters, I recognise the tone of annoyance to probably be directed to Poppy as Rosa-belle reigns in her emotions better and is polite to the attendant helping them. I sigh in defeat, shoving my head into my hands.

My girlfriend of a few months, whom I'd fallen in love with for over six months ago, was the chief executive officer of a company I still had no information on. I knew nothing of her expertise, I really hadn't anticipated such a twist in my grand story.

I close my eyes, the image of her on that staircase comes right back to haunt me...I internally snort, she was beyond beautiful and I'm not just talking about her alluring blonde curls, or the fact her eyes were emerald crystals...she was elegant, mature, always right and very witty.

She kept me on my toes and she did it unknowingly. I was afraid of what she might say when she finally steps through those doors, she'll reprimand me most likely, for following her, undoubtedly, but most of all, I was scared she was going to neglect what we have, what we're leading to. I'm dead afraid that she'll walk through those doors and order we leave, tell me that what I'm doing, it's out of line, out of mind and borderline obsessive.

It didn't feel like it to me. I'm the kind of man who wants to sweep her off her feet, shower her with anything and everything she desired but only ask for one thing in return...that she will love me, that she'll stay with me. She can break my heart a hundred thousand times, but promise me she'll be there to mend it in the end. It was all worth it. I need that knowledge, or I'll die trying to get it.

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