31. A Means of Amends

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CHAPTER 31: A Means of Amends

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CHAPTER 31: A Means of Amends

"It's just a small get together I decided on hosting, so, it's not like it's another fancy ball, it's a simple high school party at my lake house!" Ivan exclaims, purposely getting a rise from the crowd who were all too eager to party. Poppy couldn't have been more disinterested as she works closely on that laptop of hers. I could tell it was private because, even though it felt right to have my arm over her shoulders, she would concentrate fully on the screen, I didn't want to ruin that.

The incident at the school a couple days ago seemed to conclude a heightening and increasing amount of guards on the school grounds, when Andrew offered to step in, to remove any videos and photos shown of Poppy and I...we saw something different in Poppy. She waved him off the next day of school, when Andrew had suggested he could deal with it, she told him, she already had dealt with it. Andrew, under my nod for confirmation, checked during classics class. Everything had been removed and was taken under legal action, meaning the magazine was sued. That's what shocked only Andrew and I, I told him not to tell the others, just to wait, to see if Poppy will explain how this was possible. I'm still convinced it was Jamison...a friend in high places, who had the capability to take legal action against such a popular teen magazine.

I snap my head back to Ivan, shaking out of my sudden thoughts as the girl next to me, acting indifferent and concentrated on the work before her, I wanted to ask her how she was affiliated with Jamison, how could she help him, when she's still in high school. Ivan chuckles loudly, causing me to furrow my eyebrows at him, diverting my thoughts from Poppy.

Ivan shares his smug sentiment to the cheerleaders who step up for them to sign his face on a polished printed photo of him half naked. I give him a raised eyebrow and he waves me off.

"You going to help me set up?" Ivan whispers to me with an inquisitive eyebrow, side-glancing Poppy. I give him an irritated look.

"I'm spending time with her after school. C'mon dude, just hire someone. I'm not missing up getting ice-cream with her." I say, suggesting my idea as I side glance Poppy, just to see if she was listening, thankfully she wasn't as Ivan scoffs next to me, he waves off the cheerleaders when I turn my attention back to him.

"It's freezing outside and you want to buy her ice cream, the least you could have suggested was a hot chocolate at some cafeteria in the city." I roll my eyes, the place was in the city and specialised in chocolate anything. A place I definitely wanted to show Poppy.

"Just get someone else to do it, would you?" I grumble to him, just as Brennus steps around me and leans towards Poppy, whispering a few words not audible enough for me to hear but, I nod to him with a smug expression. I'd given him instructions to treat Poppy as he would treat me. I massage around her scalp lightly as a lanky kid with glasses fumbles with his closed laptop, in his trembling hands. I would have thought it was just the shock of stepping up to the group, but with the way he was looking at Poppy, my thoughts start to change, drastically.

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