01. An Enemy Of The Envied

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CHAPTER 1: An Enemy Of The Envied

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CHAPTER 1: An Enemy Of The Envied

"Mr Myers, after some thorough research on your company name, what's the next steps of your reign when your father, The William Myers, decides to hand it over to you?" The reporter, Kelsey something, the audience in front of us is set in a way that makes me feel as though I'm the next contestant in the seventy-seventh hunger games.

Yes, I watched the film, even got to see the premiere but, No-I haven't read the books, leave that up to Everdeen to read. I catch a confused stare at the near front, Ivan, with the shrug of his shoulders, he points at the now stuttering interviewee.

I sigh, "I have yet to convince my father of my reign and I have yet to bestow my further ideas towards the company's success and remain in the front of our oppositions. I cannot say too much on that matter but, the company is thriving. Currently, that's all that matters at the moment." The last bit prickles on the top of my tongue, it really is all that matters to that bloody father of mine.

The woman next to me, sighs in content, "Lovely, it's good to hear the Myers Accounting agency is still of a top quality enterprise in both London and here in France. Now, on a personal note, Mr Myers, many of your fans are dying to know if there has ever been or is a love in your life?" She asks, not seductive, just descriptive, the girls in the crowd take their time to squeal in delight before the silence in the room grows deafening.

I keep my face secure of all emotion, any kind of identification on how I feel on the matter, I turn to the woman, "No, I don't believe I've found her, yet." Is all I have to say and she smiles, "Well, I hope one day that you do, Mr Myers and thank you for your time. Maximus Myers, everybody!" She stands clapping with the rest of the screaming crowd as many squeak and squeal my way.

I merely nod, shake hands with the woman who tried to go for a hug, before I'm walking off the stage after the two hour long interview. My make-up artist rushes towards me with a bottle of recently refrigerated water while I walk towards my long time going best friends at the end of the hall.

Ivan smirks and pats me on the back, "Of course, the love of my life million dollar question had to probably dampen your ever so pissed off mood!" He comments as I grumble at his side, shoving him away and righting my suit jacket with the strip lavender tie. Everdeen said it brought out my eyes...I said, it's a cliche, cheap and ridiculous way to look like a charmer.

Ryan and Andrew scoff behind me as we make our way outside, I cringe at the continuous screams of girls yelling my name and wanting an autograph. My guards hold the Press at bay as we're gently moved to the limousine.

I unbutton the jacket the second the door is closed as Ivan, Everdeen and Ryan sit on the three seater to the side of me and Andrew is opposite me. I merely lean forward, my hands on my knees as we head to Lord know's where, the second my personal driver steps on the accelerator.

Ivan sighs as silence collects in the air, though not as uncomfortable as it was in the stadium filled interview, I can't even remember what bloody company it was for.

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