12. There Is Nothing I Want More, Than To Always Have Her With Me

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CHAPTER 12: There Is Nothing I Want More, Than To Always Have Her With Me

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CHAPTER 12: There Is Nothing I Want More, Than To Always Have Her With Me

It felt as though a thousand nights had passed when I'd spent Monday watching the school entrance like a crazy madman. She wasn't there. She didn't come and I spent half of my time watching the rain with how I feel at this very gruesomely saddened moment where a lie clouds my already darkened atmosphere and I feel cheated.

Now, it's Tuesday, first interval, actually. My sparks were flying, my chemicals were dazzling and I knew. She was on her way. The clenching of my abdomen became prominent as I lean forward in my seat, glad I'd worked on my muscles the day before, or I'd have felt unprepared. I wanted her to see my strength.

If not to think I wasn't a coward, I count to three in my head as gradual butterflies swarm further around in my abdomen and I turn slightly, bracing my back around when I finally take the first sight of the most beautiful, analytical Darling in the entire room.

Wait, Darling?

Holy Hell!

She's my Darling. Dad and Mom used that nickname ever since they'd met in high school, though I'm much more different than my father. I'd never let work or business or greed or money get in between Poppy and I. Every step she takes forward, my eyes burn in intense coherent daze as I watch her, step by step, as she walks through those doors. Her hair remains instilled and flawless as it cascades down her shoulders like each strand holds such ethereal grace with each having its own ray of sunlight. Her pale rose lips purse in severe concentration, I find mine does the same but, for a very different reason. Her eyes, sadly glazing their attention on her screen, not to notice my smouldered stare.

I trace every nuance of her movement, enchanted as always, my eyes grow more predatory than anything else.

I'm purring like a panther at the mere sight of her. Lord, I'd do just about anything for her to to let me smooth my fingers along hers, just a feather-like glide before I could finally connect our inevitably true fingers and she'd be mine. Not possessively, perhaps until she'd allow it but, I've obsessed over her for awhile now, it's time to take a step forward as I no longer want to be stuck straight on a distance.

I can't keep watching her from a distance...but, I would if she made it so. The ball is in her court. So to speak.

My drool-worthy, magnificent walking sight for sore eyes is stopped and I tense in my nature at the pathetic swine that attempts to stop her from coming to me. The hopeless sot ought to be taught a long, life lessen. Don't ever go after another males girl. Especially if his easily jealous and possessive side raptures the air like a pit bull and a chihuahua chew toy. I was ready to pounce, to break and to pant in heavy forgiveness in hopes my girl doesn't see this side of me. For her, I'd be a world known assassin. But, only for her.

"Ah, Miss Parker, nice of you to finally show." His interruption of her walking...and typing, has me standing abruptly in my seat. He touches her...he's dead, it's as simple as that. One punch to the swines jaw and I could disengage his horrendous scholarship while he separates the rest of his money on several credit cards, in order to pay the hospital bill.

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