Part 14: Break In to Alcatraz

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It was something, to see everyone walk on dark side tonight, and it was a dark night. I looked at my team. 

Cyborg and Flash were standing on my boat, watching as Superman went through the ground under the prison like a human corkscrew. He made the crawlspace about four feet wide in diameter, which was snug, but didn't make a lot of noise.

He flew back out with ease and leaned against the side of the island, looking out of  breath. "It's in there, I can feel it."

"Kryptonite?" I asked.

"A lot of it." His look was accusatory. I was the one who revealed that little tidbit about him. I decided I would get rid of all I found on this mission, but I didn't tell him that.

"You okay?" Wonder Woman asked. 

"Just get her to me," Superman nodded. "I'll get us away."

"With lightning speed," Aquaman nodded, stepping off the whale and next to the hole.

"Everyone can hear?" I asked. Everyone tapped their earpieces and nodded. In a way this was our first tactical mission. We usually just went in and fought whoever and whatever, but there was no room for mistakes, and no room to let others figure out we were doing this. Tonight we were all vigilantes in a way. "What do you see, Cyborg?"

Cyborg's jaw clenched. "A lab and human subjects." 

"Human?" I repeated. Cyborg nodded. "Change of plan. You find intel and get it. Wonder Woman and Aquaman, get the subjects out. Get them to the pier and get out. I will get Isis to Superman."

"You're going alone?" Wonder Woman asked incredulously. 

"I'll be alright," I assured. I wasn't used to concern, but that was the difference between working alone and not. "As soon as you do your part, get out."

I watched Flash and Cyborg go through first. The lights went out, and that was the cue. Aquaman and Wonder Woman made short work of what I assumed were the first wave of  guards as I paced myself behind them. 




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We found the lab easily enough. Amazingly there was only two guys there, one in a lab coat and one dressed like security. Flash push jabbed the scientist, that was easy, and I stunned the guard. Flash dragged them and rolled them under the huge desks of computers. 

"Okay....okay." Flash was nervous, but then he always is. He wasn't in the habit of purposely knocking someone out with speed. Batman taught him to speed punch. He moved fast and basically jabbed or crossed like a video game. He said he'd teach me upper cut soon, which was kinda cool since he'd done that in video games a lot. 

I plugged into the system

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I plugged into the system.  "One moment." When I saw the rooms come up, I exhaled heavily. I wished I could just be a robot right now, but seeing people locked up like animals and in pain, made me feel sad.

I sensed an adrenaline spike from Flash as he looked on. "What the--" He shook my head. "This is a house of horrors."

"More like basement of abominations." 

I was startled as I heard Aquaman growl his opinion.

"Where are the specimens?"


"Open the door on your left, lab room one

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"Open the door on your left, lab room one." I told them as I looked at the hallways. I watched them go in and see the multiplex of glass observation rooms. "There looks to be eight."

"Thanks, man." Aquaman said. I watched him and Wonder Woman split up and start releasing people.

That's when I saw the other lab. "Barry?"

He was startled. "Huh?"

"There's another lab,  I need you to do it."


"Yeah, it's a small one." I paused and looked away from the screens to him. "They need you, Barry."

"Yeah," he agreed, nodding. "Yeah." He was gone.

"I set two rubber speed boats out there." Batman's voice growled over the comm. "Have to hope it's enough. Flash, you gotta set them so they'll inflate."

"On it!" Flash said quickly. I watched Flash set people free. These seemed untouched, but the ones Aquaman and Wonder Woman were dealing with were different.

"Which door?" Batman growled.

I looked around for Isis. There was only one place left to look. 

"I'm going to say the one on the other end

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"I'm going to say the one on the other end. It's the only one that has no name, no information whatsoever in the system."


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