Part 22: Regroup

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"Are you sure you want to do that?" Art asks Isis.

"I don't see any other way," she replies.

"I'm going, too," I state. There was no way I wasn't going.

"We are all going," Bruce agrees. "Too important for us not to." He turns to Victor. "Start loading our surveillance equipment onto the boat."

"Still installed from Alcatraz."


"Tweak it, got you," Victor finishes the statement. 

"So we're going to see if there are mermaids under the sea, huh?" Barry asks with a nervous laugh.

Bruce smirks. "Not all of us--"

"There are many kinds of intelligent beings in the ocean," Isis nods, earning  Art's look of alarm. I shake my head slightly. They don't need to know about that. 

"But we're not going that deep." Diana amended with a kind smile.

"We need to go to the ruins of Thonis, or hit the shipwrecks of Alexandria," Art told us.

"There's more than one?" Barry looked excited.

"You must remember, these are also the resting places of the dead, we do not disturb any of it," Art ground out. He clearly hates the idea of telling us anything.

I understand; I have flown over the seas and seen a great deals humans haven't discovered. I felt like he was already saying too much to Cyborg and Bruce, who were scientists. Barry wasn't going to be a problem. "Understood."

"So, we get the staff, and we get out," Bruce plans aloud. "We disturb and take nothing else. Isis, you are the exception to that rule. This was your place, your time. If you wish to take anything, it is your right."

She stands in silence,  her eyes holding pain. I knew they would. This whole thing would be painful for her. She was about to visit the last remnants of her Egypt. I take her hand and squeeze gently.  She looks up at me thankfully. We would take this slow for her sake, I would have it no other way.  

"Arthur, will we be alright? We are trespassing, aren't we?" I frown.

Art shook his head. "Isis and I are not. Her kingdom fell into mine. But the rest--? Let's choose very carefully who goes down in the waters."

"Victor and Diana should stay on the boat," Bruce said quickly. "Isis, Kal, Art and I will go in. We can fight and protect underwater." He swerved in his chair toward the kitchen area, Barry's home away from home. "Barry, you may be our secret weapon."

Barry mulls it over, nodding. "Okay." He looks excited, but a little concerned. "Cool. Pizza?"

Bruce rolls his eyes, tilting his head toward the refrigerator. "Chicken alfredo, a whole tray, in the fridge. Twenty minutes at 350 in the oven."

"Got it." 

"I'll...go rest." Isis gave a small smile and headed to her new quarters, which Alfred had taken upon himself to improve. 

Everyone looked at me. 

"When she 's ready, Kal." 

Bruce understood. I look around and I realize that yes, we are heroes, but we are all a circle of people, however powerful, who have lost, except Arthur. His loss was early in life but all had turned right. She was physically ready, but she was going through a lot right now. Not a word was said, none was needed. I go after her, and as I was about to knock on her door, I heard her on the other side.

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