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|nora's pov|

On my brisk walk back to the compound, I ran into my favorite blonde.

"You, out of the compound by yourself, hmm." She said squinting her eyes at me, and I rolled mine as I started to walk again.

"I know, it took a lot of persuading. So tell me, what is Rebekah Mikealson up to?"

"Absolutely bloody nothing, staying in there all day is depressing." I'm guessing she was referring to the compound.

"Rousseau's for a drink?" The smirk on her face told me her answer.

When I walked in, I took a deep breath of air. I haven't been in my natural habitat in a while, and I was happy to be here. My eyes darted around the room, and they immediately landed on Camille. I felt a ping of irritation.

"Are you coming?" I snapped out of it, and nodded my head walking up to the bar. I hung my jacket on the back of my chair, and watched Rebekah take the stool next to me. Cami walked over, and I just stared at her with a straight face.

"Hey, Nora." Her voice was too cheery, and I kept my straight face.

"Camille, Bourbon."

"And I'll take a Bloody Mary." Rebekah said, turning to her, and I put my hand on the counter.

"And these are on the house." I said looking at Cami in her face. She shifted all of her weight on one leg, and crossed her arms over her apron.

"I'm on vervain, you of all people should know that." You could feel the energy in the air shift, and I let out an unintentional scoff.

"I didn't ask if you we're on vervain, I told you they're on the house. Now hurry up with our drinks, or I'll have a different one." A petty smiled crept on my lips, as I let the veins flash under my eyes for only a second. I sighed when she went to get the drinks, and Rebekah's face was priceless.

"And you have the nerve to call me the bitch." She laughed, and I couldn't help but smile, a real genuine smile.

"It was for a petty reason, I don't know. I guess I'm just done with everybody getting on my bad side." On que, a different person came back with our drinks, which made me furrow my eyebrows, but I didn't pay any mind. He was tall, and he had black hair.

Rebekah took a sip of her drink, and I had my lips on the rim of my cup, before I felt her hand around my wrist with the glass in it.

"Your drink..it has vervain in it. It reeks of it." She said, narrowing her eyes on my drink, and my mouth slightly opened. Now I could sniff out wolfbane pretty easily, but vervain not so much. I wasn't really used to it.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." She said looking me dead in my eyes. I believed her, but I just wanted to make sure. I set the cup down on the table, and sunk my pointer finger into the glass, and it burned, like hell. I snatched my hand out of the cup, and I could've sworn I let out a growl. I turned to the guy who gave us our drinks, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, almost pulling him over the counter.

"Listen here..Matt." I said, as my eyes searched for his name tag. "You are going to find Camille, and tell her that Nora Parker said to watch her back." I compelled him, and he gave me a semi-nod. I let him go with force, and turned back to Rebekah.

"Are you ready to leave?" I nodded my head, and grabbed my jacket, full of anger. It was petty anger at first, but the vervain was low.

When we walked into the compound, everybody was so quick on their feet, that it almost made me skittish. Elijah and Klaus looked at me with worried faces, before they saw me storm in, with Rebekah not to far behind me.

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