27|Til Forever due Us Part

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|klaus's pov|

How dare he.

Go against my orders, betrayed me.

I gently picked up Nora's small body, and moved her over to our bedroom, since she shouldn't wake up for another 8 hours or so. I walked down stairs to have a scotch on the rocks, when I heard Elijah walk through the compound.

"The meeting-" He started, but even the sound of his voice made me rage. I squeezed the cup in my hand, glass shattering everywhere, but I couldn't care less.

"There was no meeting! How do you have a bloody Fraction Meeting, and not invite all of the fractions!" A part of me was arguing for myself, or perhaps it was on behalf or Nora. Regardless, both are equally important.

"It is through cooperation, rather than conflict, brother. That our greatest success will be derived." His words only added fuel, to the fire.

"No, you went behind my back!"

"Niklaus!" He halted our bickering, but I sped up him, invading his personal space.

"I gave the wolves an invitation, and I want to know what happened to it."

After 10 seconds of him not responding, I latched onto his neck, wolf-venom coursing through is veins. He tried to fight me off, but I had the advantage. His blood curdling screams were the thing that pushed me over the edge, snapping his neck.


|nora's pov|

As I woke up, I had almost forgot what happened. I jolted out of my temporary coma, and took a deep breath, my eyes darting around the room. I was no longer in his art room, as I felt the warm bed spread underneath me.

"Finally, your up."

My head snapped up, to see Klaus as he briskly walked through the door, sitting down on the bed next to me.

"How long have I been out?" I asked looking out the curtained window, to see that it was dark outside.

"A little bit over eight hours." He said dipping his head down to get a better look at my face. I clutched my stomach, and groaned.

"Oh my god." I whimpered. This is a pain that I have felt before, almost like my first full moon, except this feeling was more internal. I could feel something in my body not working right, like my insides were pulling away from each other.

"You'll need this." He said holding the same glass up from earlier, my antidote. I snatched the cup, and chugged the liquid hopefully to relieve the pain, and it did. It didn't feel like I was dying anymore, only fatigued. Everything sounded like the volume was on max, and a hunger that felt like it eroded from the pit of my stomach. It's indescribable, except for pure discomfort.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" He asked taking a strand of my hair, and tucking it behind my ear.

"Why is everything so loud, and my stomach-" I said shaking my head, pulling away from him.

"You'll feel better after you feed, promise." He grabbed my hand, and pulled me to stand up, gently wiped a few tears that trickled onto my cheeks. "Your emotions are going to be haywire, and things are going to see like hell, until you feed. Then everything becomes quite-euphoric." He kissed my forehead, as he engulfed me in a tight hug.

"I hope your hungry.." He said pulling away. "Because we're going to eat."


I lightly shivered, as Klaus and I walked downtown. It was always colder at night, and the way I felt was really starting to take a toll on me. The only thing I could focus on was the hunger, it was all my body was craving in the moment.

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