33|Undo It

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|nora's pov|

He all but looked at me, as I finished the drink he so kindly got me, in one take.

"How'd you know about me?" I didn't want to play the stupid card, but I also didn't know what else to say. I mean Klaus told me that he had shown up, but he didn't owe me a visit to pay.

"Oh come on, Nora. The first ever hybrid and the first ever tribrid were destined together. You found good in Klaus Mikaelson." He finished off his drink. "..and that is the epitome of an endgame." He said shaking his head. "So tell me, how'd you do it? Weasel your little way into his cold-heart."

I scoffed, and thought he was messing with me, until I saw that his face held no traces of even a smile.

"The heart wants what it wants." I said shrugging my shoulders, keeping it short and sweet. His face changed into a smirk, and he ordered another drink. I went back to minding my own business, when I saw another drink come sliding across the counter towards me. I looked at him through my eyelashes, and he still had that face; the kind that just pissed you off. I sighed, and grabbed the drink, sipping it this time. He didn't say anything for a while, but if he didn't want to be here he would leave, so I decided to make used of our time and at least ask him some questions.

"So.." I said kissing my teeth. "What's the legend doing, popping back up in New Orleans? I mean France seems so grand compared to this." I tilted my head towards him, and he laughed at me.

"Of course I had to come back, when a friend is in need." I furrowed my eyebrows, and sat my glass down.

"I don't think Klaus is in need-"

"You need not worry about my intentions, for I am here for Nik's sake." He said overpowering my small voice. "I do hate to ask a favor already, but I need you to help me--to get Klaus to trust me." This time it was my turn to laugh in his face, and after that his demeanor did a 180.

"Klaus barely trusts me, like hell he's gonna trust the frienemy that showed up to 'Help Him'" I said putting up air quotes, but he slammed his drink on the table, and the liquid splashed out of the cup, landing in his hand, and for some reason the skin started to burn? I gasped, and moved my bar stood away from him out of instincts. He slightly cursed to himself, and then looked back at me with smirk.

"I have to keep the Mikaelson's out of my head one way or another, right?" He asked, but I felt like he was taunting me so I didn't reply. I almost forgot that the Originals had so many advantages against normal vampires. "You will soon learn that I am trying to warn him." He walked away, and I turned around to talk to Camille, not believing a word that he said. She leaned over the counter, and her big green eyes were wide.

"What's his deal?" I liked Cami, but apart from me sharing a liking in the drinks she offered, we really weren't that close. But she knew about the supernatural world, and me.

"No clue, but everything about him doesn't sit right with me." I looked up at her, and she had a dazed expression, then her face went blank.

"Everything about who?" I furrowed my eyebrows, and turned around to see that Lucien gone. That sneaky bastard..

"Cami, where's your vervain?"

"Right he-" Her sentence halted when I saw her hand come into contact with her very naked wrist. She had a vervain bracelet, even though I urged her to ingest it, considering vampires can usually sense if you're wearing it, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. Her eyes widened, and I sighed rolling my eyes.

"Come on." I said grabbing her arm, leading her out the entrance door.


"I think he compelled you to only remember him, when you see him." I said sitting down on the coffee table. She sighed shakily, and paced back in forth in front of me. "Look, I can still take away the compulsion if you want me too, but It'll hurt, bad.."

Hybrid & Tribrid✔️|𝐾𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑀𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛 {1}Where stories live. Discover now