26|Waiting for you

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|nora's pov|

After I blinked my eyes, we were back at the compound and I jumped a little bit. I didn't think I would ever have to get used to vamp speed.

He let go of me, and took my hand, again walking up the stairs. I figured that we were probably going to his bedroom, but when he took a turn and headed for his art room, I had questions. He pushed the door open with one hand as he led the through the threshold. Then immediately both of his hands covered my eyes.

"What are you doing" I giggled placing my hands on top of his.

"Do you remember when you came into this room, many moons ago, and asked me what I was working on, and I said it was a surprise?" He asked whispering in my ear, with his warm breath fanning on my neck, I almost couldn't concentrate. I thought about for a few seconds, and I did remember it. It was the same day that he gave me my moonlight ring.

"Yes.." I said in a high-pitched voice, and he chuckled.

"Well, surprise." He said, slowly removing his hands from my face. I blinked a few times, before looking at the big canvas in front of me. It was probably half my size, and there lies a portrait painting, of me. It was a side profile, almost if he took a picture from a memory in his point of view, and made it into art. I didn't even know what to say, I just stood there, legs shaking, jaw on the floor, wanting to turn around to look at him, but couldn't take my eyes off the painting.

He was magnificent.

"You were always in my head, I thought if I painted you, you would get on to the canvas, and off my mind." I heard him speak from behind me, so I turned around to look him dead in the eyes. "I've never been more wrong about anything in my life." Now it was my turn to run and jump on him. We landed on the floor, in a hysterical heap.

"Thank you, Nik. I almost love it as much as I love you." I said leaning in to give him a kiss, but he pulled back.

"Do you want to do this now, or later?" He whispered. I knew what he was talking about and just wanted to get it out of the way. The part I was most scared of, was having to die first.

"Now." I said sitting criss cross in front of him, and he did the same thing. He used both hands to cup my face, and pull me close to him.

"Your going to have to die with my blood in your system, and drink it again when you wake up. I will be here, waiting for you. I will help you through every step of the way, I promise. We do this together, always and forever." He said staring into my eyes.

"Klaus, what if I change after this, what if things are different. What if I'm a completely different person." I questioned, pschying myself out last minute, it was a bad habit of mine.

"Becoming a vampire only brings out who you really are, it doesn't change you into a completely different person. I will still love you, all the same." He said kissing my forehead. He pushed his sleeve up and bit into his arm, grabbing an empty glass cup from the coffee table we were now eye level with. We waited in a comfortable silence as his blood coated the bottom of the glass. Better to be quiet, than to speak without a thought. The only noise made was the trickling of his blood, and my heartbeat. Because this, was it. There's no cure for immortality, once it's done, it's done. There's no reverse card.

"Well look at that, we are destined to meet in the next life." He said with a cheeky smirk, and I smiled as I took the glass from him. "Bottoms up."

I drank half of it, the taste being heavy in metal. My heart beat picked back up, knowing what step was next. I gave him the glass back, and he held on to the sides of my face again.

"Will it hurt?"

"It shouldn't." I heard him say, it was the last thing that I heard, and it rang in my ears like a distant echo before he flicked both of his wrists, sending my neck to the side.

Everything faded into nothing.

Hybrid & Tribrid✔️|𝐾𝑙𝑎𝑢𝑠 𝑀𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑒𝑙𝑠𝑜𝑛 {1}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें