39|Black Magic

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|nora's pov|

Driving through New Orleans before we reached the compound was an out of body experience. As we drove by, almost everybody looked in our direction, and I just lightly smiled if I made eye contact with anybody.  I've never really payed attention to the out skirts of the city, so it was nice to see them.

Klaus and I walked into the compound, empty handed since our bags went up into flames. As soon as I took a few steps in, I was whisked and pinned up against a wall. Knowing that chaos is a friend of mine, I immediately went into fight mode. I flipped us over, and shoved my forearm against their neck. 

When I looked up and saw the smiley expression, I gave her a straight face.

"Seriously, Beks." I said, yanking my arm away from her. She engulfed me in a hug, and our giggles filled the air.

"So, I heard you guys found a way to kill Lucien?" I said, letting her go. I'm not the type to resort to violence, but karma's a bitch if you are.

"Ah, yes. Where is my dear sister?" Klaus said, walking in behind me. Rebekah rolled her eyes, before walking over to him.

"Elijah is at Lenor's shop getting stuff for Freya's spell, while Freya and Cami-"

"Are right here." All of our heads shot up to see Freya walking towards us, dragging Cami behind her. "Welcome back." Freya smiled at me, and I returned the favor nodding.

"Okay, so what does Cami have to do with this." I said pointing at her, while Klaus had the same confused look that I did.

"Because she has an old family prophecy, but that doesn't matter what matters is that it she has a bunch of dark objects." Dark objects contain dark magic..and dark magic is not good.

"Did you say dar-"

"So we're going to kill him with a bunch of objects?" Klaus cut me off.

"Sorta. One of the objects is a sword, and If I mix it with a spell then it'll be enough to counteract the elixir. He'll just be a regular vampire, all we have to do is stab him in his heart, or have the dark magic exiled on him."

"So, when can you do the spell?" Klaus asked, sitting down on the love seat.

"When Elijah gets back with the ingredients."

"Freya, dark objects contain dark magic. What if you get hurt?" Black magic is nothing to mess with. It's more than just a type of magic, it'll mess with your head and poison your heart.

"Not with the spell I'm putting on the sword." She said quickly. I didn't believe her, but I couldn't ask any more questions because here came Elijah.

"Brother, Nora, I'm happy for a safe return." He said giving us warm smiles.

"Wasn't so safe." I said, giving Klaus a death glare, and he only shrugged his shoulders at me.

"Did you get the jimsonweed?" Freya asked, and Elijah nodded his head.

"And the bay leaves." He said handing her the little burlap sack. He turned around to face Klaus, and he looked distressed. "Lucien and Marcel we're planning to lock us up, Using the medallion." It seemed like everybody caught on, but me.

"We need to get that medallion, before they do." Klaus said standing up, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's a medallion?"

"It's a type of dark object. If it's placed somewhere it acts as a boundary spell, trapping all dead and undead beings in an area, forever." Freya filled me in. "The only way the medallion can be deactivated, is if it's used. We need that medallion." She said, looking at Klaus.

"So they wanted to lock you guys up, forever?" I asked, looking at Klaus and Elijah.

"Me too." I head a small voice behind me, and saw Rebekah with worried eyes. Looking at her like that only made this war worth fighting for.

"Yes, one of Marcels assistants are supposed to be retrieving the medallion today." Elijah said taking off his suit jacket, and hanging it on the back of the chair. They weren't getting their hands on that medallion.

I shook my head, taking big steps backwards. "Be right back, I have some sabotaging to do." I turned on my heel but stopped when I heard footsteps behind me.

"Not alone." Rebekah said, speeding up to me, and I smiled.

"Be careful." Klaus said clenching his fists. "And try not to kill them, they can be used for questioning." I nodded, before running out of the compound.

We sped to the Alley's first, because that's where most underhanded business happens. We both tried to used our hearing, and our scent. But we couldn't find anything.

"I think we're too-" My eyes widened when she slapped her hand over my mouth, and whisked us into an alley way. She put her finger up to her mouth, then pointed to her ears telling me to listen, and I did. I could hear the foot steps, and the talking. They we're in the alley behind us.

"Do you have the medallion?" I could hear a woman's voice.

I slowly nodded my head, and I think she caught on. We both sped into the alley, and I stood behind the guy who I assumed was giving the medallion to the other person.

"You're not very good at tailgating are you?" He said, speeding behind me. His voice ran chills down my spine.

"Good thing I'm not tailgating."

I whipped my arm around, and hit him in the face. He fell to the floor for a quick second, but sped me up against the alley wall, against my throat. I coughed, as I pried his hands off of my neck, and lunged at his. I dug my into his flesh, and stopped once I felt his body go limp. I wiped the blood off of my mouth with the back of my hand, and my stomach dropped when I didn't see Rebekah, or the other woman. My head whipped backwards when I heard something fall, and It was a heart on the floor. I looked up, and saw her standing on the roof of a building.

"What part of try not to kill them, didn't you not understand?" I said giving her a straight face.

"Oops, I must've forgot." She said giving me a cheeky smile, and I shook my head, and grabbed the guy that was on the floor.

"Let's go, be for he wakes up."


When I walked into the compound with a body strung over my shoulder, everybody 's head turned to me, and their eyes widened.

"There's my girl." Klaus smirked from the couch. He was in the same position from when we left, except he now had a scotch in his hand. I placed his body on the floor with a groan, and everybody's face looked horrified. Including Rebekah's.


"Nora, do you know who that is?" Elijah said, walking close to the body, cautiously.


"That's Shen-Min. The most ruthless, torturous vampires to ever live. How-did you fight him by yourself?"

"Yeah, but I didn't know." Their nervousness, was making me nervous.

"Rebekah!" Klaus said, standing up from the love seat, setting his glass down on the coffee table."

"Well how the bloody hell was I supposed to know, I was busy taking out my target, thankyou very much-"

"Are you guys going to argue, or question him." I said walking over to his body, lightly kicking his head to the side. "Cause, he won't make it till tomorrow."  I said shaking my head.

"Did you guys get the medallion?" Klaus asked. I bent down, and dug in his front pant pocket until I felt something hard, and I pulled it out. There is was, the golden medallion. He smiled once I tossed it over to him, and he nodded his head examining it.

"Once they find out that we did this, they'll come here. You know what." I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Hopefully that weapon will be ready on time then." He said, sitting back down on the love seat, kicking back.

'"Where is Freya?"

"She's doing the spell."

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