40|Kill or be Killed

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|nora's pov|

"That's a pretty nasty bite you got there." I said, looking at his werewolf bite. I was still scared to get too close to him, now that I knew who he was. "If you answer our questions, maybe we can get that healed up?" I offered, trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. But when he just looked at me with those black eyes, I could already tell he wasn't budging, willingly.

"Okay, you can compel him." I said, taking a few steps back. Elijah and Klaus tied Shen-Min up as soon as I brought him to them, but me and Rebekah thought that we could start the questioning a little bit early. She leaned down in front of him showing no fear.

"What we're you doing with the medallion?" She spoke monotony. But I jumped when he kicked her, and she came flying into me. By the time we both rebounded, he was already well out of his restraints.

"I don't think you packed enough venom in that bite." She said, wide eyed.

"Or maybe, he's just been training for this his whole life." When I got my sentence out, he charged for me first, of course. I punched him, but it didn't seem to affect him much. He grabbed me by my throat, and threw me into the wall. I groaned as my back smacked against it, and tried to get up as quick as possible. All of his movements we're quick, and deadly. You could tell he was built for this.

I got up, and watched him charge for Rebekah, she reached for his heart, but he uppercutted her chin, snapping her neck. I watched her body collapse to the floor, and his attention was back to me. Before I could even think, he was infront of me. I watched his hand plunge into my chest, and I screamed. You never really get used to the feeling of a fist around your heart.

My nerves we're slightly calmed, when I saw a stake get jammed though his chest. Klaus remove his hand from my chest, as Elijah held Shen-Min by his upper chest, digging the stake deeper and deeper.

"Now you see why he's so dangerous?" Elijah said through gritted teeth, still jamming the stake deeper into him. I could only look at them.

"Leave this stuff to us, okay? I can't have you dying on me now." Klaus said, and I nodded my head, leaving the room.

I walked to the spell room, to talk to Freya, I still had questions about this 'sword'.

"Hey." I said, walking in. It felt like I haven't been in here in ages.

"What happened to you?" She said, signaling to my bloody shirt.

"Turns out Shen-Min is a lot more badass than I thought." I said with a small laugh, and she smiled. "Where's Cami?"

"Oh, I told her to go home. She doesn't need involved in this stuff." I nodded my head, walking over to her and that's when I saw the sword. It was medium sized, but It was black, and I could literally see the darkness radiating off of it.

"Did you already do the spell on it?" I asked, my eyes fixated on the sword, I glanced at he grimoire, then back to the weapon.

"Yeah, it's done." I reached my hand over to touch it, and it burned. It didn't just burn, It felt like I was touching hell. I flinched backwards, and looked at her with bug eyes.

"I can't even touch that Freya, imagine what it'll do to you." She only took a piece of cloth, and laid it over the sword.

"I know what I'm doing."

"No you don't, and you're crazy if you think I'm going to let you kill yourself. I'm going to change, but we're not done talking." I said pointing my finger at her, with raised eyebrows.

I left the spell room, and walked up the stairs into me and Klaus's shared bedroom. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Klaus sitting on the bed.

"Hey, what are you doing up here." I said, walking over to the dresser. I felt his eyes on me as I passed him, and peeled my shirt off my body.

"We killed Shen-Min. He didn't really give us any information either." I could tell he was stressed about this.

"Well we finally have something that can kill Lucien, I just talked to Freya, the spell is done." I reached into the dresser, and grabbed a random shirt. Half-way though me putting it on, I heard I thud. And it wasn't a reassuring one. I looked at Klaus and he had the same face that I did. I threw my shirt on, and sped downstairs. Like I predicted, Lucien was here.

"I don't mean to make such a grand entrance, but you have something that belongs to me, and I want it back." My eyes widened when I Rebekah on the floor next to him, which means she was the 'grand entrance'. Elijah sped up to him, but Lucien was faster, knocking him onto his feet. I've never seen anybody take down an Original that fast.

"Where's Freya!" Klaus cursed, but Freya was already on her way. She was holding the sword in a piece of cloth.

"Why is wrapped up?" He asked me, and I shook my head.

"Klaus that sword is packed with black magic to the brim, if she even touches that sword bare handed she could die."

"I didn't come here to play games, with silly gadgets. I came here for the medallion."

I saw Freya adjusting the sword, and I watched her cry in pain once it touched her bare skin. "Freya, you know what will happen if you use that sword." By then, Lucien and Klaus were fighting, and Klaus wasn't on the winning team.

"Freya, please." She tossed the sword to me, and I yelped in pain when it landed in my hands. I knew that I didn't have a chance getting close to his heart, so I had to do this the other way. I watched my hands grow red, as I siphoned all of the black magic from the sword. I felt sick to the core, like all of the life was being drained out of my body. I hissed, and threw the sword to the ground when I was gone.

"Klaus, now!" He sped Lucien in from of me, and Freya did a spell to hold him in place.

'Flactus Impulsa, Flactus Impulsa, Flactus Impulsa.'

I had to used all of my body strength to hold my hands out, and I felt more of me dwindle away with each time I chanted. I could see the darkness getting expelled from my hands, and firing back at him. Which was my only motivation to keep going.

'Fluctus Impulsa, Fluctus Impulsa, Fluctus Impulsa!'

I screamed, as I let the final chant slip from my mouth. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion as I watched Lucien's body fall to the floor. I blinked my hooded eyes over at Klaus one last time, before my body copied Lucien's.

Nora 1, Lucien 0.

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