19|Party to plan

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|nora's pov|

It was quiet for a while after I spoke over the phone, a deafening silence. I almost hung up thinking that reception was bad, but his voice stopped me.

"You-" He started, but stopped and it resumed back to quietness. I didn't dare speak. I wanted to call him in the heat of the moment, forgetting that I blatantly ignored his request, and spells to stay in the compound.

For the second time.

I felt like a little kid caught with their hand caught in the cookie jar.

He hung up after he spoke his one word, and I quickly made my way back up Bourbon St. , on my way to the compound, knowing he would be there.


I walked up to the compound, and was immediately shot back by an unknown force, aka Freya's boundary spell. I was jogging trying to get back to the place before Klaus, and I landed on the concrete ground. On que, Elijah was infront of me, with his hand out ready to help me up.

"Thanks." I said brushing off my pants. I heard Klaus's footsteps clicking on the stone, and I could immediately tell he was mad, disappointed even?
I walked back up the the barrier, and Elijah yanked me back by my shoulder.

"Usually people learn from their mistakes." He said with a chuckle, still his sentence held a proper tone to match his sophisticated look. I just ignored his remark, and placed my hand up to the barrier, siphoning the magic away. I guess Klaus never talked to him about what I was.

"Impressive." He added. 

We all walked in, Elijah infront of me, and Klaus not to far behind me.

"So what happened while you were out?" Elijah said not bothering to take a seat, while I sat on the arm of a chair.

"I was out with a friend, when a girl in what looked to be her teens kept asking me to show her the way to the abattoir."
I said looking at Klaus, and his eyes softened, but the disappointed look was still evident.

"The compound." He said looking dead in my eyes, and I just nodded.

"But you said your mother was the Original witch, not some 16 year old girl-"

"Celeste isn't the only witch familiar with body jumping." Elijah butted in, and I sighed. We didn't know what she wanted, and now that she could change her appearance at her beck and call, wasn't giving us any advantage.

"It seems like mother is becoming more bold with her moves, I think it's time to make ours Niklaus." Elijah added, which made my stomch turn. Everything was relatively decent until Elijah started talking about making moves, which is ultimately putting Klaus in danger. This is my fault.

"How about we do what the Mikaelson's are best at?" Klaus said with a smirk, that didn't sit well with me either.

"War?" I questioned, and only recieved a chuckle from Elijah.

"How about a party?" Klaus only smirked, while I was left confused."A masquerade party." He finished.

"So your gonna throw a party as your big plan for attack? Please don't tell me it's going to end in a blood bath." It was the only way it made sense. Lure the enemy over, and then kill them. I knew it had to be something sadistic and Klaus-like.

"That depends on the guests." Klaus answered, and Elijah started to walk away.

"Tomorrow evening, I'll have invitations sent out by tonight." Elijah said, before he full dissappeared, signaling that it was my turn. I really wasn't in the mood to get yelled at by Klaus.

I went to turn on my heel, but there he was right in front of my face. He looked down at me, and his gaze caused me to take a few steps back.

"I'm sorry." I started.

"Sorry!" He roared, and I jumped. It was dead silent in the compound, like criskets chirping queit. And his voice reverberated off the walls, echoing. He walked closer, and I flinced backwards, out of instinct.

He composed his self, and rested his hands on my shoulders.

"Nora, you were face to face with my wretched mother. What if she would've done something to you, and I wasn't there to protect you!" He was really beating him self up over this, even though it's my fault.

"But she didn't Klaus, this is not your fault. It's mine."

"What was so important that you went against my word, and left anyways?" I knew the question was coming sooner or later when I told Elijah the story of what happened.

"I promised one of my friends that I would give them a tour of New Orleans." I said looking down, and he lifted my chin up.


"Julian." I wanted to say his last name, but he never gave me it. Klaus let go of my chin, and he looked hurt almost. And I could understand by the way it looks. Me sneaking off to give another guy a tour, when he specifically told me to stay, but it wasn't anything like that.

"Klaus, he's just a friend that I met in Tennessee." I said trying to make the situation not so dramatic, but in turn made it worse.

"You've been talking to this guy since we went to Tennessee? That was like three bloody weeks ago." I didn't know what to say, and I sure as hell didn't want to poke the already upset bear, or wolf in this situation.

"I tell you to stay in here for your safety, and you want to run aroung giving people tours of my city?"

His city? He could pull those moves on his siblings, but not I.

"Your city?" I scoffed, but he nodded. Taking pride in what he said.

"Yes, my city. I had the boundary put up for a reason, and that reason was not for you to go against it."

I felt like we were walking in circles, but I promised Julian that tour and I wasn't just going to blow him off because of Klaus's supernatural drama. It was too late to back out, and I can protect myself. "I had to give him that tour, I promised. And I can protect myself, I'm not weak."

"From the Original Witch?" He had me there, but Original Witch or not I wasn't going down without a fight. I didn't know what to do, even though this already happened before. Trying to make him see my point of view was harder than I thought.

"Your right, against the Original Witch I may be a dead man, but I will never go down without a fight!" I raised my voice, as he did to me. He was quiet again, and I didn't have time to waste when I could be practicing my magic so I went to walk away, but he grabbed my my my arm, and sped me over to the wall.

"DO NOT WALK AWAY FROM ME." His voice wasn't human anymore, it was almost like a growl. Web like patterns formed under his eyes, and they glowed gold. If he opened his mouth I was sure I would see his K-9's.

I was scared to an extent, I was scared
of him now but deep down I knew he couldn't do anything to actually hurt me.
I mean this is the whole reason why we're in this argument, because I put my safety on the line. They way he told me not to walk away from him made me think that somebody once did, and that somebody would never be me.

I didn't say anything, I let him calm down while I stared at the floor.

"I'm-" I felt like he was going to apologize, so I cut him off.

"I don't think I could ever walk away from you."

"Then don't." He said, voice much softer now. I smiled, wondering if he even feel a fraction of what I felt for him.

He leaned down and kissed me, with as much passion that he could muster up. My hands wrapped around his neck as be pulled he closer, but I pulled away needing air.

"I have a party to plan." He said leaning down to kiss me on my forehead.
"I'll be back before it gets dark."

I told him my goodbyes and sat in the compound by myself again. I could be practicing my magic, but the only thing that was on my mind was Eryn. Maybe what I saw could possibly be her.
I walked over to my phone that was on the coffee table, and almost dialed her number. But then I remembered that she was the one who left, and phones work both ways.

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