7|Background Check

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|third person pov|

"Klaus!" Nora's voice boomed. He had given both girls their own rooms to stay in, but Nora slept on the couch since she was up late last night.

"I'm up here, love." There was a banister in the main entrance, so she took the stairs and checked rooms to her right and left until she found one with a hybrid in it. She poked her head in the room, and gave him a smirk.

"That is a devilish smirk, that can't be good." He said, taking a towel and wiping his hands off.

"Lookie what I did." She said, pulling a silver ring, with a blue gem in the middle of it out from behind her back. "It only took all night."

He raised his eyebrows, impressed.
"A daylight ring, I'm proud."

"Yeah, I-" She never finished her sentence, because she noticed where they were. It seemed to be some sort of art room.

"I knew you liked painting, but I never knew you were this good. Did-did you paint all of these?" She asked, amused.

"Yes, but these are nothing." He brushed her off, maybe it was that fact that he has never gotten recognition of his works, he didn't know how to react to it now.

"Nonsense, these are everything." She wanted to ask questions about every picture she saw. They were all different and unique.

"Why did you get into painting?" She was curious now, her petty little daylight ring was nothing compared to this. They both sat down on a bench in the middle of the room, surrounded by his masterpieces.

"Painting is a metaphor for control." He stopped, but she was still waiting for him to say more. She was like a little kid listening to a story.

"Every choice is mine, the canvas, the color. As a child I had neither sense of the world, nor my place in it but art taught me that ones vision can be achieved with sheer force of will. The same is true of life." His words held so much wisdom, and maybe that's what she is looking for. Wisdom, somebody who knows more than her..that's what she's after all along right, answers?

"You are too precious, Nik. So wise. I-I..I can't even believe this is the Niklaus Mikaelson. The 1,000 year old original  hybrid, that's gone mad. That's torn through villages and ripped up homes. But all you've ever shown me was mercy." She did not understand, and the question needed to be asked.

"You know out of all of my siblings, i'm the only one who never had an epic love. Elijah had Celeste, Rebekah had many suitors, Fin had Sage. I thought I found the right one, in 1002. Aurora was her name, but she left me in Southern France. But that was too many life times ago to matter." He spilled his heart out, but it all had a point.

"I never seen why anyone would want an endgame, until I met you." Klaus was shocked by his own words, they were not thought about. He let go, and let his heart talk for him. And this is what he could do with Nora, let go.

Nora didn't know how to accept this kind of affection, they were both new to this.
She's never gotten this kind of attention before, especially from someone like him. She did what she thought felt right. She smashed her lips onto his, not too rough, but it caught him off guard. He immediately kissed her back, moving his hand to cup her neck, and waist.
Her hands snaked around his neck, and into the nape of his hair. He pulled them closer. Eventually, she needed air.

"I need to give this ring to Eryn." She interrupted. Klaus gave her a little smirk, and just let go of her. She stood up and tip toed out of the room, into her bestfriends.


"Thankyou for the ring, again." Eryn said, slouching back into the red couch examining her hand with the ring on it. Silver really wasn't her thing, but if it came down to life or death she had no choice.

"It's the least I could do, I mean ever since we showed up here, death has been knocking on our door." Nora said, resting her head on her hand. They were in the living room waiting for Klaus to show up with his sister. Sooner they heard boots clicking on the floor.

"Freya this is Nora, Nora this is Freya" Klaus said pointing to each girl individually.

"Nice to meet you." Freya said shaking her hand.

"Pleasures all mine." Nora said, returning the favor. She thought they looked similar with the blonde hair, and blue eyes.

"Freya, this is Eryn. Nora's friend. This is the girl who needs you to test to see if she has any other supernatural traces in her blood." He said pointing to Eryn who was still sitting on the couch.

"Follow me." She said, and they all went into the middle open space of the compound. Freya stood across from Eryn. There was a small table inbetween them with a knife and bowl on it.
Nora and Klaus stood opposite from each other occasionally stealing glances at each other, smiling if one was caught in the act.

"I'm going to need some of your blood." Freya said picking up the knife that was in the bowl. "This will only hurt a little bit." She took Eryns arm and cut a line down the middle. She held her arm over the bowl making sure to catch the blood, and applied pressure. Eryn winced in pain, and screwed her eyes shut. After Freya was done she let go of her arm, and it quickly healed.

Freya dipped her hands in the bowl of blood making sure to coat them with the maroon liquid. She walked over to Eryn, and held both of her hands tight.

"I've never done this before, so I don't if it'll hurt or not." Eryn frowned, and shook her head.

"It's okay, I'm thankful your even doing this for me." Freya smiled, tightened the grip on Eryns hands, and closed her eyes.

'El dolê la toré. El dolê la toré. El dolê la toré. El dolê la toré. El dolê la toré.'

She said the chant faster, and harder everytime.

'El dolê la toré. El dolê la toré. El dolê la toré.'

Freya's head shot back, as she chanted, and Eryn looked like she was in pain. Her face scrunched up and she was having a hard time keeping ahold of Freya. She came to an abrupt stop, and she stood up still.

"Did you get anything?" Nora asked running a hand through her hair.
Freya nodded her head.

"I got 2 things actually. Vampire, and doppelgänger." She said, wiping her hands of the blood.

"What the hell is a doppelgänger?" Eryn asked.

"It's like a double of you. So somewhere out in the world there is another you living." Klaus jumped in. He knew his doppelgängers.

"And doppelgängers are supernatural? They just sound like twins to me." Eryn said, vividly unamused.

"Of course doppelgängers are supernatural. Have you ever heard of the Petrova doppelgängers? They repeat over generations." Freya asked Eryn. Nora gave Klaus a suspicious look. She knew all about the Petrova doppelgängers.

"I've never heard of them, but doppelgängers sound boring." Eryn said with a huff, and Freya chuckled. Compared to other creatures they kind of were. "Thanks for doing this, it means a lot" Eryn said, giving Freya a side hug.

"No problem." Freya said. "This is what I do best." Freya packed up all her things, and left the compound.

"Now, it's time we go over feed and erase." Klaus said, with a smirk, wrapping his arm around her shoulder walking out of the compound as well.
Leaving Nora to practice her magic.

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