41|Day 5

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|rebekah's pov|

Five Days Later..

It's been five days since we last saw Nora with her eyes open, and It's easy to say that Klaus is taking it pretty hard.

I woke up just in time, to see Nora and Lucien's bodies on the floor, the day that he came. When Klaus saw that Nora didn't wake up in a few hours, he compelled, and tortured Lucien for a day, before he killed him. And when I mean tortured him for a day, Klaus did not come out of that little room for 24 hours. He's been restless without her, even relentless. When he tried to get inside her head, and he couldn't find anything, that's when he changed. Even though we knew she wasn't dead because she would've been desiccated, he went back to the old him. Thriving on fear, and power.

"Freya it's about to be 6 bloody days, and you still haven't found a spell yet?" I said walking into the spell room, I've been in here a lot more since the incident. You could feel the energy grow toxic, with everyday that went by, and she wasn't here.

"Rebekah she's in this mess because she didn't want me killed, for good. Trust me. I'm trying my hardest." It was like she was in a dark magic coma, and their was no estimate when she would wake up. I felt the tears brim my eyes, as I walked out of the room. This is just my bloody luck, isn't it? The one time I finally make a friend, their stuck in a coma.

Usually it was just me and Freya in the compound by ourselves, now that Klaus is out causing destruction, and Elijah out there cleaning his mess up. But when I saw Elijah walk into the compound, I titled my head.

"Niklaus is getting out of control." He said, slamming his suit jacket down.

"Well what do we do, Elijah? He is as mad as a hatter without her, and she is in a magically induced coma." I said, slapping my hands down on my thighs. Every day he came in here, after failing to help Klaus, expecting answers. Answers that I didn't have.

"Freya hasn't came up with anything?"

"If she did, you'd be the first person I'd tell." I said walking upstairs.

I went into Klaus's room, and she looked the exact same. Still laying flat on her back, her skin has these black veins running all over her body, and they only seemed to get worse as the days went on. I watched her for a little while, before shutting the door and heading back down the steps.

"Rebekah!" I didn't need special hearing, to hear that. I flashed in the spell room, and I saw the Freya was still in there. She had blood leaking from her ears, and she was clutching an empty hour glass. "I think I found a way, I need you to bring her body to me."

I rushed to my phone, and dialed up Elijah, while flying up the stairs at the same time.

"Elijah, she found a way to wake her." He didn't even respond, hanging up the phone. I put it in my back pocket, and gently picked her up bridal style. When I got down stairs, Freya was rushing around the room.

"Where do you want me to put her?" She pointed to a small table, and I laid her on her back, and her feet slightly dangled off the edge. As soon as I set her body down, Elijah was in the spell room with us, only Elijah.

"Where's Klaus?"

"I don't know, but this is more important." He said, pushing past me. Freya laid a grimoire next to her head, and the hour glass too.

"What's the hour glass for?" Elijah questioned.

"The reasons she has all of these dark veins, is because of the dark magic. It's sucking the life out of her, literally. I can put the magic in the hour glass, and then she should be fine." Elijah nodded his head, as she grabbed a knife, and cut an X, right above her heart.

"Black magic starts in the mind, and it can poison you're heart. Considering she's been in this coma for almost 6 days, I want to make sure we expel all of it." She rested her hands on top of the open wound, since she wasn't healing.

'Glassole del' tour, Glassole del' tour, Glassole del' tour.'

Her voice calm, which was reassuring. But, when she stopped and furrowed her eyebrows, I saw that Elijah had the same questioning look that I did.

"What's happening?"

"I-I think she's helping me. She's siphoning some of the magic."

'Glassole del'tour, Glassole del' tour, Glassole del' tour.'

She chanted, until all of the veins were gone, and I instantly noticed a change in the was Nora looked. Not so grey anymore, and I could see the rosiness coming back to her cheeks.

"When is she gonna wake-" On my account, she gasped out of her sleep, clutching her chest, that still refused to heal.

"Nora." I said, scrambling from my spot to infront of her. "How do you feel?"

"Dead." I reached my arms out, and she welcomed me with wide open arms. She turned around, and gave Freya as sad smile, before giving her a hug as well.

"Thankyou." I could hear the shakiness in her voice.

"Nonsense, let us not forget why you were in this situation in the first place." She stood up from the table she was laid out on, and turned to see Elijah.

He even engulfed her in a hug. "Where's Nik?" She said, looking around the room one last time, making sure she didn't miss him.

"We don't know." Elijah said, letting her go. And her expression was unreadable.

"What do you mean?" She said, scrunching her nose.

"Ever since you've been out, he's taken it the hardest. He needs you." I said, making eye contact with her,

"How long have I been out?" She said, taking a look at her wound that wouldn't heal.

"Five days."

She ran her hands over her face, before standing up. Since her body was weak, I watched her loose her balance, and I sped over to catch her. "Where are you going?" I asked, trying to make sure she didn't fall.

"I'm sorry." She said, escaping my grip. "But, I have to go find Klaus." She limped out of the compound.

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