21|Mikaelson Blood

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|nora's pov|

I briskly weaved through all of the people, earning smiles and waves along the way. I remembered that I set my eye mask down at the drink bar, and thought it would be a good idea to go get it. Now would be a useful time to have it so Klaus couldn't spot me as easily in the crowd. I was in site of the bar, when a man ran into me. He was very dark skinned, tall, and was wearing a suit.

"Pardon me, Nora." He said. His voice ran chills down my spine, almost like it was automated in a way. "You look a little shaken up..I know this party is a little much?" He leaned in close to me ear. "The Mikaelson's do have a flair for the dramatics, you and I would both know."

I stood there like a deer caught in headlights. He was working with Klaus's mother, it's the only way he could know my name without me even telling him. I thought it would be best to get out of the situation as quick as possible, so I slowly backed away from him, and then ran as gracefully as I could to the drink bar. I snatched my eye mask, and hid behind the bar. I took out my phone, and clicked on Freya's contact.

"Freya, where are you?"

"I'm in the spell room..why?"

I didn't bother answering her, I needed to get out of plain sight. I hung up the phone, put the mask up to my face, and quickly walked to the stairs.

To get to the spell room, you had to walk by the banister, which is where Klaus and Marcel were. But when I walked past they weren't there which signaled that Klaus was out looking for me. I ran down the hallway, and made a right into the spell room. Sure enough Freya was standing at a table, reading from a grimoire.

"I'm guessing you escaped?" Her head snapped up.

"Klaus was talking to Marcel and I was bored, so I wanted to help you." I said with giggle, and walked over to her.

"If Klaus knows that I let you help me he'd kill me." She said with a straight face. "Shouldn't you be his date?"

"Sitting like a leech stuck to his arm all night isn't any fun!" I protested. "Look, Klaus has helped me in the past, remember?" Maybe it was a rhetorical question, but I still stopped talking and waited for an answer, but she just stood there quiet. "So now it's my turn to help him, but I can't do that when everybody is keeping me out of the loop. I mean, I'm not weak just because i'm not immortal, and I can get hurt. Let me help." She looked the other direction, and then back at me as she took a deep breath.

"Okay..okay you can help." She gave in. "But it's only because I really need it." I smiled.

"One more thing, when I was on my way here, a man bumped into me. But he already knew my name, without me telling him. And then he said that the Mikaelson's have a thing for dramatics, and that we would both know...Like what does that even mean?" I said throwing my hands in the air. I thought it was better to tell anybody anything that happens. Any information is better than nothing. She went back to having a straight face, and she closed her book.

"Be careful out here. Somebody that's in a random body can kidnap you for ransom, or for some vendetta against Klaus. I know this sounds childish, but refrain from talking to strangers." She said with a hand on my shoulder, and she moved to a book shelf.

"So what's your mother actually doing here?" I asked running my fingers through all of the spell books.

"That's the golden question, we don't know. But i'm pretty sure you just ran into one of our brothers." I stopped and looked at her, I thought they were supposed to be daggered.

"She didn't come back from the dead alone." She added. I mean who else would she be bring? Long lost

"Yeah, Elijah was talking to Klaus about Marcel being involved." I flipped though the pages of spells, and occasionally looked up at her.

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