Chapter 46 - Dan

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Joe was yelling at Sophie pretty loudly on the otherside of the door, I was sure that she would be in tears, I know I would be. She didn't even deserve to be shouted at, in my opinion. She was just hugging Phil right? Yeah she may have left it alittle too long but she didn"t do anything else, she apologised, nothing more would have happened and it may have been a complete accident. I glanced over at a very guilty Phil who was cowering everytime Joe raised his voice more.

"You okay?" I whispered to him as I sat down on the bed, Phil looked at me and sighed "honestly.. No", "You know that wasn't your fault right?" I tried to convince him, wrapping my arm around his shoulder and pulling him into me. "I just feel guilty, she didn't do anything" he said staring up at me. "I know" I sighed heavily "but i'm sure she will be okay", with that we heard the line we weren't expecting to hear.

"You know what, this was a mistake, seeing how you've just acted I'm not sure I trust you to stay here, I dont even know if you did anything with Connor this week?" We heard Joe shout, before there was a loud thud against the wall. My heart was in my mouth, what if Joe had hurt Sophie? or Sophie had hurt Joe?

I stared at Phil and he paled, he had obviously thought the same as me. I got off the bed and started to pace, I didn't like not knowing, but this wasn't my fight.

I was about to check on them and was just about to open the door when I heard Sophie tell Joe to go away and she entered the room. She gave a small smile at me and sat on the bed, at first she was fine and then she saw Phil and she suddenly burst into tears.

Me and Phil looked at each other, we had no idea how to deal with the sistuation that had just happened, we broke eye contact and moved over to Sophie's side. She looked at us and shook her head, before extending both of her arms out to wrap us up in a one armed hug. She rested her head on my shoulder, snuggling to make her self comfortable " thanks guys" she said her voice wavering with sadness.

She began to pull her arms away so I stopped her and pulled her into a big hug of my own, I hated to see anyone cry let alone someone I considered a friend. I petted her back and stroked her hair whilst she cried harder. I noticed Phil's face over her head, Phil looked as if he was going to be sick, he was so pale and looked so upset. He knew that it was partly his fault and couldn't help but take the full blame for it, I smiled softly at him and he shook his head, before getting off the bed and walking to the bathroom. The door closed behind him and Sophie looked up, tears pouring down her face.

"Joe pinned... me to the wall,... I was scared Dan,... he tried.... to choke me!" She wimpered quietly so's Phil didnt hear, he was already suffering enough, before snuggling back into the space her head had situated. I was shocked, I never expected Joe to be violent especially towards Sophie. Just this morning he was telling me how much he loved her and now I was hearing how he had pinned her to the wall and had tried to choke her.

Anger rose inside of me, I was angry I didn't go out and help Sophie sooner, I was also angry at Joe, he had scared her to the point that she was physically crying and shaking. No one deserved to be abused and to think one of my friends was the abuser make my skin crawl, and I was angry at the whole situation.

I tired to calm down but it wasn't working, I needed to get Joe for what he did but first I needed to calm Sophie down. Suddenly I got an idea, I unravled sophie from me and told her I would be right back. I left the room looking at Sophie crying in a ball on the bed. I rushed into her room and spotted the object on her bed. I grabbed it and ran back to the room. I arrived and jumped on the bed next to her. "Look what I have" I whispered to her, she looked up and instandly her eyes lit up. I passed the teddy to her and she squeezed it into a hug. Within a few seconds the tears in her eyes began to fade.

"Thankyou, but how did you know?" she whispered grabbing me around the neck, with one arm whilst the other gripped tightly onto the teddy, into a loving hug. " No problem, I saw it on your bed this morning and knew that it was yours, dont worry I do the same when im sad" I smiled, she was so much like myself. " You wanna play a game and get Phil out the bathroom" she said smiling and wiping the tears off her flushed cheeks. I nodded and went to fetch Phil.

I knocked on the door and it creaked open, I pushed the door open futher and saw Phil huddled in the corner crying his eyes out. I rushed over, kneeling in front of him and wrapped him up in a giant hug.

A few minutes later

"Come bud lets go play some games, Sophie's okay now"  I said rising from the floor and dusting my jeans. He smiled slightly and dried his tears, before sticking out a hand for me to help him up. I grabbed his hand and began to pull him off the floor. Standing up at first was a little shakey because he had been sat in the same spot now for quite a while. Finally he was able to move and we slowly walked back to the bedroom.

Sophie was sat on the bed, controller in her hand, next to two other controllers and a mug of Coffee for each of us. I smiled she had hadly known us a day and yet she fit into out friendship circle and knew us already, we were going to get along perfectly.

I grabbed the mug of coffee, putting it on the side and jumped on the bed, I led on my stomach and grabbed the controller, Phil did the same. Sophie turned to look at Phil and then wrapped him in to a hug. " I'm sorry" she whispered, Phil smiled and apologised too. They stopped hugging and turned to the screen. Sophie began selecting the course whilst we sat in a comfortable silence.

"Ready to play?" She said giving me a challenging eyebrow wiggle. "Hell yeah" I said, I wasn't going to let her win against me again.

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