Chapter 53-

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I watched as Connor moved to the desk and picked up Joe's phone, his eyes skimmed across the screen as he reads who its from. He sighs and looks up at all of us who are staring at him with wide eyes. "It's Sophie" he says in a whispered voice, as he chucks the phone to Joe. I sigh, she shouldn't have texted him, it would only make him worse. What was Phil thinking, letting her do this?

I watch as Joe sits down on the bed, his lips tremble and tears threaten to fall from his eyes as he reads the text out slowly so all of us can hear, he struggles to finish as he swallows the lump that has grown in his throat, he obviously had no idea how much he had scared Sophie, or how much she still loved him and to be honest neither did I until now. Yeah she had said she still loved him many times, but because I hadnt know her for too long I didn't know the extent of their relationship. I would always pass it off as a childhood chrush that she would get over, but now I saw how deep the love between them ran. It was honesty scary to think that two people that supposely loved each other so much could hurt one another so badly.  

I looked around at the others, they all had tears in their eyes as they heard Joe mumble through the text that I hoped would change him back into the person we all knew, the person we all loved. I just hoped it wasn't too late to stop this madness and help Joe from drowning. Joe got up off the bed and began rumaging around in his suitcase before pulling out a small blue tricket box, all of us looked at each other and shrugged, as long as he didn't try and do anything stupid we would be fine. He slowly walked up to me and placed the box in my hand, he then stuck his hand in his pocket, pulled out a small note and gave that to me too. 

I stared at him, looking into his blue eyes to find out what he was asking me to do. What was this for, why had he given this too me? what was written in the note and what was hidden in the box? I had too many questions and he had the answers, so why wouldn't he tell me? He looked at me his normal blue eye where grey, full of sadness and desperation. "Give this to her, say i'm sorry and tell her to find someone else, someone better" he whispered before walking away to the other side of the room.

I watched him, stunned by his reaction. How could he just give up like that, make it seem like he didn't care anymore? he had made her life hell in one day and instead of trying to make this better he was going to act as if it never happened, like she didn't mean anything to him? How, when he loved her so much he couldn't live without her?  even after she said she still loved him ? and why should it be me left to tell her, I didn't want that on my mind, on my conscious but it seemed like I didnt have a choice. He was done and had given up. 

I sighed and looked at Joe once more, his head was down, his cheeks were stained red with tears, his hair stuck in different direction and he was sniffling, to say he didn't look his best was an understatement but then again why would you expect him to look after all he had been through?

I turned around and took a deep breath, "here goes nothing" I said leaving the room and venturing into the hallway, knowing that I was just about to break a young girls heart.

A/N:- hey guys sorry for a short chapter, I have been super busy this week with Uni stuff and this chapter just felt as though it should finish here. Sorry however more will be up soon :D <3

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