Chapter 27 Sophie

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I woke up relatively early, the sun streamed through the curtain and a low wining sound could be heard though the wooden door to my bedroom. I turned over to see Joe flat out next to me and smiled before sitting up and stretching. I got out of the bed and walked up to the cupboards, picked up clothes I wanted to wear and walked quitely, trying not to disturb Joe, to the bathroom.

Once finished I went to find out why Bailey was wining, the kitchen door swung open when I pushed it to reavel a very messy room. Bailey had trashed the place, the worktops were ripped to pieces, newspaper was chewed up and had somehow managed to cover every surface, scratch marks lined the windows and in the middle of it all stood a very scared, shaking little puppy.

At first I felt mad and angry at Bailey however as I looked at him, I realised how terrified he must of been. He was surrounded by new frightening smells, a new territory and was all alone. I croughed down and my puppy ran straight over to me.

I picked him up into a giant hug, I sat cuddling him until he stopped shaking. I then stood up with him still in my arms and unlocked the backdoor, I dropped bailey onto the grass in the garden and he stood looking at me for a while, as if unsure of what to do, before scampering off into the long grass and bushes that surrounded the perimeter garden.

Whilst Bailey was running madly around the garden I decided to clean up the kitchen as much as I could. I was just about to pour myself out a coffee when I heard a noise upstairs. Since I had been cooking bacon I decided that I would treat Joe to breakfast in bed, and piled the cooked food onto the plate, poured the coffee and milk into the cup before calling Bailey inside. I shut the backdoor and told Bailey to follow me as I carried the breakfast up the stairs on a tray, we arrived the bedroom door and I placed the tray at the top of the stairs before entering.

Joe looked beautiful when he had just woken up, his hair was stuck up in a weird defying gravity style and his eyes shone. He smiled and sat up as I opened the door. I walked over to the bed "honey" I spoke softly catching Joes attention, "do you want a coffee and some bacon".

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