Chapter 36 Marcus, Caspar, Jim and Connor

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I couldnt believe what I was hearing, Joe was in hospital and was almost dead all because of Sophie. She hadnt got to him quick enough and he had almost died, she could of killed him and I couldn't stand it. I wasn't going to loose one of my best friends just because some girl was incompetent. I had a plan and I needed Joe to believe me if it was going to work.

When Sophie had come out of hospital, I overheard her convosation with connor and how he asked her to go to america for a couple of weeks before playlist. I was going to get Joe to convince her to go and then tell Joe that connor and Sophie had a special relationship with each other. Joe would go to either spy on Sophie or confront her this would end badly either way. The first would be where Sophie found out Joe was spying and it would in a big fight breaking them both up and the second would end with Sophie accusing Joe of not trusting her and break up with him.

I would be a prefect plan.



Poor Sophie and Joe they were having the worst start to a relationship I had ever seen, first the girlfriend had been stabbed and then the boyfriend almost died. If they weren't a strong couple after this I would be surprised, If they didnt love each other more and more each day they went through this type of situation they had something wrong in the relationship.

I had always loved how Joe and Sophie had no idea they liked each other and yet it was so obvious to everyone that they liked each other. I had always wondered why Joe never had a long term girlfriend and how Sophie never had a long term boyfriend and now I guess it was because they had so much of a connection with each other that the other people in the relationship just knew they wouldnt be able to stop it.

Their story was classic, Boy and girl are best friends for a really long time, they suddenly experience other emotions than friendship toward each other but are afriad that either it might wreck the bond between each other or that the other person doesnt experience the same emotion as them possibly ending in a rejection that makes the relationship awkward. Fortunately Joe finally found a pair of balls and finally asked her how she felt about him, mind she almost had to die for him to admit he had feeling so strong for her. But all the same they should be a couple for a long time.

I well and truely ship Jophie although I do have a little haterd that sophie stopped the Jasper ship.



I really wish Sophie and Joe the best of luck really, Im just really worried about their health in this relationship, its scary that since they've got together their health conditions have worsened. Its almost as if the world doesnt want one of the cutest couples together.

Sophie and Joe are almost as cute when they are together as Zalfie are all the time. people love a power couple and I really think that once they are both better that they will be giving Zalfie a run for there money. Since Jophie announced that they are an item the whole youtube fan site has errupted with comments, fanfictions, photos, edits, its almost like people were waiting for them to become this powercouple because they were waiting to see if Alfie and Zoe would react with something bigger just to stay the 'Cutest couple'.

well if that was their plan it certainly worked they were going to hear the news that Zoe was pregnat with Alfies baby.



What do I think of the whole Jophie situation?.... I love it Sophie is one of my favourite people in the world and me and Joe a great friends.

I always knew there was something there right from the first time of meeting her, even on her own I knew she had a connection to someone else and from that moment I stop trying, I mean I liked her but I knew I wasnt the one. When I met them both together I could tell the liked each other it was just that obvious.

Jophie is the main couple I ship (after Zalfie of course) just because they are one of the most perfect couples, even when they weren't involved you knew they lived and thought on the same wave lenght as each other. They know what makes each other tick and what annoys the other its almost frustrating because I've always wanted that.

I know that alot of people have said that me and sophie are a good match but they have either never met her or Joe or seen them in a video or outside of the camera, they are so in sync its truely amazing.

Me and Sophie just have good banter nothing else, sure there was feelings there for me but I knew she was some elses. mine will come one day and when I does I hope she feels that same for me, which im sure she will.

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