Chapter 56- Zoe, Phil, Dan, Joe

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~Zoe's POV~

I knocked and knocked however there was no sounds, no answer, no nothing. "I thought Connor said they were here" I sighed croughing down to look through the keyhole, I glanded around the sunlight room before focusing on two figures asleep on the bed; they were huddled together, his arm wrapped around her as if he was protecting her and she was snuggled into his chest as if being near him comforted her, protected her from the world around them and to be honest It was a cute scene however it was a scene that should not be happening right now.

I sighed and got up slowly, dusting my knees I just hoped she knew what she was doing. No of course I wouldn't disturb her just yet, she needed peace and the feeling of love right now but I would definitely have a convosation with her later about playing people and how she shouldn't just swap my brother for another guy just like that. I walked along the corridoor and spotted Phil coming up the stairs, so I quickly hid in my and Alfies room, hoping he wouldn't catch me, or that he didnt know I knew about Dan and Sophie.

I watched as he knocked on the door several times, before shrugging and walking into the room, when he disappeared from veiw and the door had shut behind him I wiped my brow, "that was close" I sighed aloud, if Phil had just woken them up I would be able to speak to them soon. I flopped onto the bed, the materess swishing slightly under my weight, I then grabbed my book off the table and started to read, two more chapters and I would go speak to them.

50 minutes later:-

I guess I got a bit carried away with the book, but atleast im almost finished with it, I folded the corner so's I could save my place, I sure didn't want to loose it now. I smiled and wiped the tears away from my eyes as I placed the book back on the table and got off the bed. I straightened my clothes and checked my eyes in the mirror. They were slightly puffy and red but I didn't care, it didn't look as though I had been balling my eyes out and that was the main thing. I then made my way across the hallway to the door.

I hestitated for a few seconds, biting my tounge hoping that I wouldn't start a fight or drop myself in it straight away, i raised my hand and placed it against the rough wodden door, was I sure that talking to Sophie about this was the right Idea, she seemed fine earlier and Joe had admitted it was his fault, It was his fault right?. "Come on Zoe you need to trust her, shes your best friend" I thought and with that I knocked.

~Dan's pov ~

I watched Sophie as she stretched and wiped the sleep from her beautiful green eyes, she looked around the room before glancing at me, "good evening, did you have a nice nap?" She asked a grin spreading across her beautiful lips, I looked to Phil in concern and then back to Sophie, did she know how I felt about her, how I fell asleep next to her, my arm wrapped around her, her face on my chest? "Umm yeah I did" I said as causally as I could. " Oh really so you didnt mind me cuddling with you then ?" She said trying to catch my eye.

I closed my eyes and groan "Damn it how do you know" I asked glancing over at the girl who was now brushing down her clothes on the other side of he bed. "Secret" she whispered placing a finger to her lip and shhhing, " now although it was one of the best naps I've ever had this needs to be kept on the downlow espically now since Joes freaked out, i dont want you fearing for your life, do you agree" she asked giving me a half smile. I nodded "of course it will, wont it Phil" I said glancing at Phil who was sat on a chair in the corner of the room nodding happily, "see, no one will know, now about this best nap ever statement?" I grinned at her, in love with the fact that nothing between us was akward.

"Hey I never said it was the best iI just said it was good and up therewith the rest" she argued back grinning happily, was she flirting with me? I wasn't sure but then again I wouldn't know flirting even if people told me they were. However I would not get my hopes up, she could just be being friendly? I sighed and pouted at her, "so not the best then?" causing her to chuck a pillow at me and laughing " No, now stop pouting it doesn't suit anyone, not even your pretty face".

I quickly smiled back at her "this better?", she shook her head and sighed " what am I going to do with you Daniel?", Phil then butted in " you could just tickle him, hes quite ticklish " which just made Sophie look at me and raise an eyebrow, " oh really, you if I would have known that earlier maybe you wouldn't have cornered me". "Yeah right" I said sitting on the bed and turning on my laptop, "hey you never know" sophie shrugged walking to the door, " im gonna get a drink you guys want one?" she asked causing me and Phil to nod, " coke diet please" we both said aloud causing the two of us to look at each other and laugh, "certainly ma dears" Sophie said giggling as she left the room.

(phils Pov )

I rose from the seat and walked over to Dan, he was staring down at his laptop in confusion, " whats up" I asked placing my butt on the soft mattress. He looked over at me before turning back to this Mac "its just doing updates but I was going to edit the new Dan and Phil games video and try and get it up by tomorrow, wanna help?" he asked, "Sure" i agreed grabbing the camera off the table and get out the SD card.

(Joe's Pov)

I watched the world swarm around me in fast motion, like one of those city scape pictures, where only the cars and people move or where a person stays in one place and people dash around them. Nothing mattered anymore only Sophie, she was everything to me still but I was a jerk and messed that up.

I sighed and got up from my seat I needed to be alone for a while, i called Bailey over and we walked out into the back garden of Connor's apartment. I sat down on the sun lounger and placed bailey on my stomach, he wined and snuggled into me, he obviously knew how I felt and was trying to comfort me. I laughed softly as the little guy buried his head into my chest, i wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly, at least Someone cared.

Something About Her (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora