Chapter 62- Save me... Sophie and Joes Pov

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Sorry I know I kept saying that I was going to update, but then I got a essay and a PowerPoint to do for University, I also had counciling and the doctors and then as luck should have it I caught the flu.
So I'm trying to write this whilst sick and I get tired really easily, so if its not great I apologise.
~Sophie's Pov~

This was it all I had to do was breathe and walk towards him slowly, the rest would come naturally. He looked so scared, so alone and afraid, trapped by the darkness. The time had come, I needed to forgive him. Nothing else mattered, all I needed to do was run to him and wrap my arms around him, nothing more, nothing less.

I just wanted to feel him close, to know he was still there, to know that this wasn't just my mind playing tricks on me. I took a deep breath and ran.

~Joe's Pov ~

Was this real? Was she really here? Had she really found me, forgiven me? I had far too many questions to keep them inside, I needed answers, I just hoped I would get them soon.

I glupped and breathed deeply, letting the rain pour onto me, drenching me as light flooded the darkness around me. We were only moments, steps away yet I couldn't move, I was frozen in fear.

What if she had only come to tell me that it was a good idea? Or to drag me back home never to be with me again? What if this wasn't even her, that my mind had finally become so bad I was imaging things, in hopes of finally feeling alive again?

The figure moved, ran into the blackness towards me, was it her or was I just lying in wait for death to finally take me? My breathing was heavy as it approached the edge of the light slowly.

Shaddows cascaded down her body, soaking her in light and darkness, she shone like a vision of beauty. So light and yet darkness roamed inside of her. She glupped and stepped into the light, before launching herself at me.

~ Sophie's Pov~
I jumped, I just couldn't stand to see him just stood there shivering, fear in his eyes. He need me like I needed him, he needed my love, my touch as much as I needed his. He needed to know that it was really me that I had come to forgive him, to show him love again.

I wrapped my arms around his neck clinging, hoping he wouldn't push me off and snuggled into his shoulder waiting for him to say, do anything. He sighed happily as his arms came around my waist and he pulled me closer and in tighter. I smiled widely that was all I wanted, I needed no words, no sorry, just him close to me, showing me love.

Nothing felt better than that moment, I wish I could stay forever in that second. He rested his head on mine and I heard his breathing become shallow, his nose sniffle and him shake slightly, he was having a hard time holding it together and so was I. Tears brimmed at my eyes and I glupped loudly trying to swallow the idea of crying.
He removed a hand from my back and wiped his eyes, thats when I lost it. I completely broke down, tears poured from my eyes and I just shook, I was an emotional wreck. He removed his head from mine and softly brought his hand to my cheek, making me look at him.

His cheeks were flushed red against his slightly tanned skin, his blue eyes were dark but they had their sparkle back as tears that were yet to spill led in wait. I went to speak, but couldn't my voice not forming any words, I was incapable.

He placed a finger on my lips and shhed me as he tried to wipe my tears away with his other hand. I smiled softly, I was no longer afraid of him touching me, holding me, being next to me. It was the only thing I wanted. He removed his finger and looked into my eyes with pure love and devotion.

I stared back at him, letting his love flow over me, wrap around me, making me feel safe and like I was the most perfect person in the world. His eyes sparkled drawing me in, as I inched my lips closer to his.

~Joe's Pov~

This was finally going to happen again, in one day I had gone from the happiest and luckiest guy, to the angriest guy, to the most hated guy, to the depressed guy, the suicidal guy, the hopeful guy and finally the guy who had found everything he was ever looking for.

Today was one I would never forget and Sophie was a girl I would never take for granted, a girl who I knew ment everything to me and more, the girl who could destroy me and my world in a few minutes and yet she never even tried. She was the most perfect and kindhearted person on the planet and I had the most amazing gift, the gift of her love.

I was a very special guy.

I stroked her soft cheek sparks radiating up my arm, the light shining in her beautiful eyes and her hair, where the water droplets had be captured, almost giving it a veil like look. She was perfect.

Her tounge ran along her bottom lip, making it glisten, she was irresistible, everything she did made me want her more. She inched closer, her lips inches from mine, the air thick with love. I smiled and captured her lips in mine.

Sparks flooded though me as a million fireworks exploded, her soft lips mixed with mine in perfect harmony, the taste of her was exquisite I never wanted to taste anything else. I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up hoping to have her closer, to feel her against me. I needed her in everyway, I needed and wanted to show her how much I had changed how much love and devotion I had for her. I wanted her to feel adored, to feel special in everyway.

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