Chapter 41 -Sophie

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"Are you sure you have everything in order" I say to Joe whilst grabbing my bag of things to do on the plane and hanging it over my left shoulder. "Im sure dear, believe me. I think me and Baliey will cope without you being here for a few days" Joe laughed shoving my suitcase in the boot before closing it and getting in the drivers seat. "Don't sass me Joseph because you wont like me when im angry" I say half jokingly whilst climbing in the passenger seat of the car. "Oh I do love you" Joe said starting the engine. 

I turn and give him a sarcastic look and shut the door, I straped myself in and Joe does the same before switching the stereo on. We drive away from my childhood home towards the airport where I would be flying for the first time on my own to a place I had only been to twice. It was a little daunting I must say.

Although I was only going for a week I would miss Joe and Bailey, they were like my family (well the family that I chose). We reached bristol and it was time to say goodbye to Joe, even as I opened the car door I was stating to tear up. I came round the back of the car and emidately Joe had me in a warm embrace. "I really do love you baby" he whispered to me, whilst rubbing my back. "I love you too" I said letting the tears gathering in my eyes to overflow, as I hugged him tighter, never wanting him to go.

"Hey its only a week and remember im only a phone call or skype away" Joe said steping back so he could look at me. "Now come on, dont cry" he said wiping the tears away with his jacket sleve. When my eyes had dried and I had composed myself a little, Joe grabbed my suitcase from the boot and locked the car. "Come on babe, I'll walk with you to the checkin" he spoke softly, holding my hand. After checking in it was time to leave Joe and start my own adventure.

I grabbed Joe in a hug and I whispered that I loved him many times before relaxing my bear hug. He smiled and whispered words of love in my ears before kissing me passionately and slowly. When we pulled away I sighed, it was never enough , it would never be enough. After 10 minutes of goodbyes I had to go, we hugged once more before parting. I started to walk away and had to breathe deeply as tears where about to run down my face. I reached the queue to place my bags on the conveyerbelt to check if they were light enough and I saw Joe waiting by the window smiling at me. He continued to stand there and grin until I my bag was taken and I left the line.

I blew him a kiss and he laughed, he then repeated the action to me before waving and walking off. I laughed, he didn't have to stay and yet he did, it was sweet. I grabbed some food and a drink before fining a seat. After I had finished eating my sandwich, I walked towards the line for security. It took forever for it to be my turn and I prayed that it wouldnt beep, I placed my phone, my belt, my earings, necklace and studded boots in the tray and sent them on their way throuh the scanner. I then walked through the dector and I aas gglad when no noise was made. I collected my stuff and dressed properly before going over to the security that would check my phone, tablet and camera.

I turned my phone on and showed that it was real, I did the same with my tablet and my camera before putting the last two on flight mode and switching them off. I then made my way to my gate as my flight would be leaving in half an a hour. I found gate 7 and settled down to relax and text Joe. 'Just got through customs, at gate now flight leaves in half and hour' I texted and within two minutes I had a reponse. ' Just stopped at services, hope you have a great time, don't cause trouble misses and I miss you already xx' I laughed 'like I would cause trouble ;). Miss you too xx see you soon' I said locking my phine and shoving it in my pocket. I looked around and noticed a WHSmiths and decided to pop in.

I searched and found what I was looking for, a kerrang magazine! I love punk and hard rock music like Fall Out Boy, Sum 41, Blink 182, All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens and Black Veil Brides and this magazine had every bit of that. I also grabbed a set of pens as I had brought my sketch pad, since I was a art student, before qualifying last September.  I paid a walked back to my seat. I started to read my magazine and it wasn't long before an announcement went out about people flying to LA and how they had to be at gate 7 ASAP. I gathered my passport and ticket out of my bag before picking it up and checking in with the flight attendant.

I walked down the tunnel to the plane and tried not to have a panic attack, I wasnt going to go bad like my mind said it would and it wasn't going to the wrong place either, everything was fine. I gathered my courage and walked onto the plane, I checked my ticket and I realised I had a window seat, I inwardly cringed, I was scared of heights and really didn't want to be sat near a window, however since I couldn't change my seat, I looked away .  This was going to be a stressful 12 hour trip.

After about 20 minutes of memorising the escape routes and emergency precautions I was ready to go and so were the pilots.  I strapped myself in and watched as the flight assistances directed us through the saftey rules that I was studying. The enginues roared and I switched my phone onto flight mode and turned it off. Within 15 minutes we took off. 30 mins later we were at the altitude where we could get up and walk around so I switched my tablet on and  began listening to my downloaded spotify in my headphones.

12 hours later:-

We had landed and I was waiting to collect my bag, I had called Connor and he was on his way. Suddenly I noticed my polkadotted blue suitcase and grabbed it off the conyerbelt. I wheeled it up the ramps they had leading to the exit. I reached the door and began to look for a black car. I didnt have to wait long as Connor drove right up to the pick up points, he honked his horn and I turned to look at him along with many others. I ran over to the car and chucked my two bags in the back before jumping in the front seat. I smiled at connor and he drove out the way. He found a parking space and parked up, he stopped the car and hugged me, I laughed and hugged him back.

Whilst connor drove home, we spoke about the week we had ahead of us and connor told me about some of his crazy ideas and I knew that all though it sounded crazy it sounded like a pretty awesome week.

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