Chapter 32- Zoe

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"Sophie what do you mean Joes in hospital, what happened?" I said frantically running around my house grabbing things and stuffing them into a bag.  "He passed out last night Zoe, this morning he woke up and was still really ill, so I took him to the hospital, when we arrived he collapsed and wasnt breathing, he almost died Zoe!" Sophie said sobbing down the phone,  I just wanted to hug her and tell her he would be fine, she really did love him and this near death experience had really freaked her out.

"Dont worry hunny" I said softly, grabbing my keys and locking the door. "If I know Joe he will fight to stay alive, and dont worry my parents are on their way and will be with you soon. I will be there in about 3-4 hours too, just relax okay? I know its hard but just try". I said throwing my packed bag into the passenger seat of my car and strapping myself into the seatbelt. "Okay I'll try and be strong, Joe wouldn't like to see me cry so I wont! see you soon?" Sniffed Sophie as I started the car. "Just started the car, be there asap, remember relax and sophie..". "Yeah?!". "He really loves you". "Thanks Zoe, your a good sister and an even better friend, bye" giggled Sophie. "No problem, byeeee" I shouted over the engine noises and hung up.

I pressed the radio/CD player button and it flashed to life. I pressed play and the music started to blare out of the speakers, I really need a distraction and this would have to do if it was going to keep my mind off Joe for 3 and a half hours.

I was so glad when I turned into the hospitals car park, it felt good to be here and finally being able to see him, let alone know if he was okay. I ran though the doors to the hospital throwing them open, I fast pace walked over to desk and started who I was here to see. The shocked receptionist looked at me and led me towards two giant metal two tone doors. I followed her down a long corridoor, dreading every single step, ever heel click of the receptionists pointy shoes. Everything went by in slow motion, my heartbeat rang out making it louder than everything else. This was not the time for a panic attack. I shock my head and took a few deep breath and soon the thumping noise in my brain had stopped.

I opened my eyes to see the receptionist looking at me, worry written over her face. " It's okay dont worry, im just a little worried about my brother" I said smiling slightly. She nodded "You have a right to be dear, i would if the same had happened to my sister". " Thankyou for your worry, im fine I'm just hoping he's alive, he is a fighter though so im sure he will be". " You certainly have confidence in his strength and I hope your right" she saud softly and pushed open a bright green door with the words 'emergency room' in bold white writing scribbed over them.

I breathed deeply and walked inside. The room was large but plain, white bricks and tiles made up the walls and the floor was white and  laminated. In the right side of the room a small box tv was situated in the corner. Surrounding the tv were two large white three seater sofas and a white wavy coffee table. On the left hand side a Corridoor led to nowhere, it was so white that I couldn't even see the end of it. Straight in front of me was a desk and a lady, who as I entered looked over the top of her rounded glasses at me before shaking her head and returning to her work.

The room smell like it had been washed chemicals and disinfectant, it looked very sterile, i was afraid to touch anything. I walked through the very clean white room, my footsteps echoing throughout the large white open space. Even now i still class the room as a waiting room of white. I tiptoed over towards the white plastic desk, hoping to make less noice than I had when I entered. The desk was made of an expensive white plastic, that in my opinion looked extremely tacky and a clear glass that only sported a big white box computer a white keyboard and a single red rose in a clear sleak glass vase.

A very fair skinned older woman sat at the desk, typing silently on the keyboard in frount of her, the scowl that she was pulling looked permanently stained onto her face, she even had frown lines to prove it wasnt a one time thing. I stood awkwardly staring at my finger nails and waited for her to ask me something, however she continued to type on the keyboard. In the end I decided to do a small cough to get her attention. Suddenly her head shot up and her grey owl like eyes stared straight at me. I began to regret ever stepping foot in the hospital.

She stared at me, her eyes following my every move and almost grimmest at what I was wearing, it obviously didn't fit in with her colour scheme. "Zoe sugg im guessing" she spat as if my name was like dirt in her mouth, her nose cricked with distaste as she looked me up and down before speaking again, " Arent you just lovvveyyy"  she spoke slowly layering her voice with sarcasm.

I fowned and nodded, "Ah I see the trend doesn't stop with you then" she said frowning at me before rising from a plastic clear chair. "Come with me" she said giving me a hand motion to follow her. Yet again I walked down a large corridoor except this one was pure white. At certain points along the corridoors clear glass windows were placed, the doors were even painted white, it looked strangely familiar.

I was taking in the white heavenlyness of the corridoor when the nurse came to a stop infront of the only light brown door I had seen in hospital. I stopped and breathed deeply, "he might not be awake but you may wait" said the nurse strickly before turning on her heels and clicking her way bavk down the corridoor.  Once she was completely blended into the walls and  her shape was no longer visable, I grabbed the door handle.

This was it! Would Joe be okay? I hoped he would.

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